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The boy in the sheriff's hat and I walked in silence deep into the heart of the woods as wind blew against both of our faces.

Through out the whole way to my upcoming hideout, all we did was walk side by side and kill the dead, neither of us making the effort to converge in any way.

He was still having a hard time getting used to the fact that ( whoever that girl was ) she was dead and I was not planning on making friends with him.

The only reason I even let him come with me is because I know how it feels to lose someone that you love, and how it would feel having to go back to a bunch of familiar faces only to tell them that your loved one is gone.

My thoughts are cut off when both the boy and I are met with the dead, stumbling towards us as they moan and growl in hunger.

He takes his knife out and I pull out my own before lashing onto a dead one and stabbing it in the head, it's blood sprinkling over the dry droplets of blood that coat my face from my earlier kills.

It falls onto the ground with a thud right when another one touches me, it's decaying teeth inches away from the skin on my arm, but I'm quick to stab it in the head with a groan and push it away, sighing as I watch it's body drop.

I look beside me and watch as the boy groans in annoyance with one of the dead latching onto his flannel. He punches it square in the face but it regains it's balance quickly and growls at him.

Right as it's about to latch onto him again, I rush towards it and stab it in the head before it gets the chance to bite the boy.

I turn around to face him, ready to scold him and ask him what the hell he was thinking but my face softens in sympathy when I catch him groaning even louder as he runs over towards a bigger group of the dead and stabs each one repeatedly, clearly taking his anger out on them.

If I didn't know what it felt like to go through such a loss then I would've probably stayed right where I am and thought of him as an idiot as I walk away and leave him behind.

But I do know what it feels like and I cant turn my back on him and leave before he notices that I'm gone.

With a soft sigh, I slowly go up to the boy and try to pull him away from the dead one that he's on top of, stabbing it repeatedly. He managed to kill them all on his own and he can't find anymore to continue his killing spree on so he continued to stab the last one he put down.

" hey, hey, it's dead " I try to calm him down but he doesn't stop.

I fall onto my knees beside him and rest my hand on his shoulder, my heart aching at the sight as an unwanted image of myself going through the same thing rushes into my head.

" hey, it's okay. It's gone, you're okay " I place my hand over his and he immediately stops stabbing the biter beneath him before throwing his knife away and standing up, me following his action and getting up on my feet.

He wasn't crying, not a single tear had fallen from his eye. He was just angry.

Without looking back at him, I lead the way until we're standing in front of a White House. With a small sigh, I turn around and face the boy who's eyebrows are still drawn together in anger, his cheeks flushed.

" we can stay here for the night. We just have to clear it first " I inform him and he nods before walking past me and pulling his gun out of its holster and without turning around to face me, he fiddles with the front door until it opens and walks in.

We both got into the house and I shut the door right after I had gotten in so none of the dead that roam the area at night would come in behind us.

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