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A/N: hello, just before you guys start reading this chapter, just keep in mind that this is only a filler chapter, so it's pretty short and boring lol. for those who do not know what a filler chapter is, it's just like an extra moment to kind of show that the characters have spent a lot more time together than you think.

Or well at least that's what I think it is lmao.

" I don't see the point in this " I roll my eyes in annoyance at none other than the only human being I've talken to since the world went to shit right under my own, young, eyes that did not deserve to see the amount of destruction that they were practically forced to see.

No, Luna, do not go back there. Don't you fucking dare.

Instead of listening to the other voice invading my already occupied mind, I blink repeatedly before letting out a loud huff and throwing the stick with the sharp tip in my hands into the body of water that I am currently standing in.

Carl perks an eyebrow up at me, his eye fixated on the stick I had just dumped into the water. I look down at it and then look back up at the boy who's now looking at me disapprovingly, a stick of his own glued to his hand.

" we're running out of food, Luna. Pick your stick up " he reminds.

If he were lying, I would have rolled my eyes and left his ass standing in the water alone, but since he is only stating obvious facts, I had no choice but to roll my eyes and pick the stick up.

" You'll see them swimming around. They'll swim even faster once they spot our feet, that's when the stick comes in handy " he instructs for the fifth time since we got here.

" sure " I mumble under my breath, eyes scanning the water around me.

I've always loved the soothing sound of small waves crashing into each other, the sound of water droplets falling off my wet legs and into the body of water again, but in this world, no one gets such luxury anymore.

The moans and groans of nearby walkers invades such beautiful sounds, practically raping one's eardrums at this point.

" Luna! Lu- " Carl screams my name the moment he spots a small fish wiggling ahead of me, trying to swim as far away from my feet as possible, but it's too late, for I push the tip of my stick into it and pull it out of the water, a small smile playing on Carl's lips as he watches me.

" I got it " I smile before looking up at him and displaying my achievement of the day to the boy who's smiling back at me, proud of himself for teaching me something new.

" but I win " he chuckles as he holds up his stick that has 5 fishes slightly bigger than the one I had just caught.

" oh, come on " I groan, causing Carl to let out a victorious chuckle.


Carl and I set up a fire and sat on logs opposite of each other, both munching down on the fish Carl had managed to catch today.

I'd be lying if I said that it didn't feel nice to eat something other than canned foods for a day.

Especially fresh fish. Im not the biggest fan of seafood, but now, im the happiest person on the planet. The fact that I even have something to eat for the day is already as big of an achievement as finding a place with no walkers invading it.

" who taught you how to do this? " I suddenly speak up once I'm done eating my fish, eyes focused on Carl who takes a sip of his water that he had gotten from the river we were at earlier and filtered it.

He puts his bottle down and sighs before looking up at me.

" my dad's best friend " he replies.

I slowly nod and look at the fire, neither of us saying anything for a couple of seconds until I break the silence again.

" thanks for forcing me to do this, just earned a new skill " I say and he nods, a small smile playing on his lips as he looks back at me.

I don't return it though. I try to smile back, but I simply cannot force myself to.

" Glad i was of help " Carl replies.

We look at each other for a few seconds, him still smiling at me before going back to either eating or warming up, throwing in a few words every once in a while.

Maybe having him around isn't so bad.

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