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I snapped my eyes open, I pushed him off of me, making him look at me in confusion. I picked my bag up, hoist it over my shoulder and ran like my life depended on it.

What the fuck happened?

Code red, Code red I repeat, Code red!.

I frantically searched for my car, but soon realize that Henry didnt let me drive so i went with Jeremy.

Screw it

I ran never looking back.

I must have ran many miles, i planted face first in our front yard.

Running is a bad idea, i could have taken a bus for heaven's sake! What is wrong with me today?!

I literally crawled to our front door and knocked, a minute later of knocking someone answered it.

Henry jumped in surprise then picked me up, "Em what the fuck happened to you?!".

He dropped me on the couch, making me groan. Lazy butt cant just carry me to my room?.

Henry came back with a sandwich, my mouth watered at the sight "oh my god, i love you henry" he looked at me in confusion before taking a bite from the sandwich.

"Fuck you"i muttered, he chuckled and sat beside me. "Now tell Dr.Henry your problem" he said in an old mans voice, i snorted "I have a brother whose an idiot".

"Now, now Em. Dont you think thats a bit harsh?"

"Pshh, youre Dr.Henry. dont you think thats being honest? Honesty is the best policy isnt it?"

"On the other hand, yes. That is being honest, and for that i'll give you a star!" He said in a high pitched voice before flicking my forehead.

"Ow! Stop it!" I swatted his arm away

"Now, im being serious Em. What happened? Cause im pretty sure its about Jeremy"

I sighed and gave up, "I dont know, i just...its hard being around him with all this act-"

"Is it the sexual tension?"he interrupted me, but i just ignored him

"-and he just..ugh! He keeps on giving me this mixed signals! And we...we..."

He cocked an eyebrow, "you what?"

"We almost kissed!" I blurted out, he spat his sandwich looking at me in disbelief.

"YOU WHAT?!" He screamed

"Hey! Dont shout at me! I said we almost, its not like we made out" i mumbled. Although that sound tempting

Shut up, youre being weird

Come on, you know you like it.

"Hello!!! Emmy! Are you listening to me?" Henry's voice snapped me out of my ridiculous thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah... Now you bloody idiot tell me what to do!"

"What?! Why me? Can't you just ask one of your girly friends?, i really dont know anything about this umm...thingy" he muttered awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck. I stood up, "fine". I made my way upstairs to my room.


"WHAT?!" they all shouted at me in complete shock, when i told them what happened.

"Yes, its tell me guys what do i do?" I buried my face in my pillow in complete frustration.

"Well, you can...walk right up to him and kiss him then give him a boner then leave" Trisha suggested we all stared at her, before shaking our heads "just shut up trish".

"You can just pretend it never happened" Mary spoke up.

"Yeah! Youre good at that! When you meet him just act casual like the two of you never 'almost-kissed'" Javen agreed

"But its so hard to do that! I mean come on guys! I havent even mastered the 'bad ass act' now you want me to do the 'never happened act'"i groaned.

"how about this, you try your best to act like it never happened then if he wants to talk to you about it just tell him it was nothing" Elisha suggested and they all nodded their heads.

"Fine, but i need your help on this" i reluctantly agreed.

Fuck what did i get into?

The Badgirl Act (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now