Her Point of View

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I couldnt think, i was speechless, stunned. What the heck happened to me?!

But luckily my clever mind functioned well, and lets just say it saved me.

I burst out laughing like a maniac and rolled on the floor laughing my ass off.  But dont worry im not yet mental, notice the 'yet'.

"O-oh my gosh...ahahahaha... I-i cant beleive you ahahahah..thought...ahahaha!"i wheezed and said between laughters

They looked at me in confusion before i regained myself,"you should have seen your faces, you actually thought i would dream of Jeremy kissing me?! Just what i have thought...Dumbasses"i smirked and grabbed my backpack before going out and enter his car.

After i slammed the door and waited for him, i took a deep breathe and calmed myself.

Javens POV

Finally! I have waited long enough for my POV!, just because i only come on the scene often doesnt mean im boring.

I am waiting here for Em, in school right now. She's always late, i mean who comes to school halfway through the first period?

I know right!, i mean i am that respectful to the teacher i come after the first period. Atleast i let the teacher finish her discussion..sheesh she needs to learn time management!

Moments later Jeremy's stin'kin car arrived -stinking rich bastard- and i approached them, Emmy got out in a rush

"Em! I was wai-" before i even get to finish my sentence, i was dragged forcefuly by my wrist. "Hey!- wait!- ow!" I yelped

But Em's grip was steel tight and her face was flushed but her jaw was clenching.

I guess something happened, what could it be?

We then went inside a crowded ladies room, and Emmy boomed shouting "Everybody GET OUT!"

everyone looked at her, "DO I HAVE TO SAY IT TWICE?!" Her voice was echoeing inside and once everybody realized how serious she was so they rushed out of the bathroom carefuly not touching Em, but rather harshly pushing me out of the way.

Woah, okay... Im not invinsible right?

A girl pushed me making me stumble, i gave her a death glare. Once everybody was out, Em spoke "lock the door"

To say i was shock was not how to define my expression, but i was rather terrified.

"Em...you know, i was a good friend to you right? We can talk this out.."I said gently to her

"Lock the door Jave, dont make me say it again" she said throughtl gritted teeth

"Emmy, i love you right?...and if your mind doesnt change about ki-"

"Im not gonna kill you, just lock the damn door!" She exclaimed making me flinch

"Wait are-are you gonna...r-rape me?" I said in shock and horror, okay... I believe Em can be a murderer cause i swear she has a mind full of morbid things, but Rape? Nope shes not even lesbo

"No! Lock the fucking door!" She yelled, and i gave up and locked it, i cant believe im loosing my virginity to a girl...sheeesh, can my life get worse?

After a few minutes, she did what i never expected...

She squealed

She fucking squealed!

"Omy gosh Javen! You wont believe it!!!! Ahh!!!" She gushed holding me by the shoulders with a wide grin on her face

My mouth dropped open, and i gave her my best poker face. "Seriously? First you gave me a heart attack second, i almost died, third Im dead"

"Pfft, stop over reacting I only did that because i was bored" she shrugged

"What do you mean over reacting?! You freaking scared me, i almost peed! And what do you mean you were just bored? Is giving people heart attack and killing them is your entertainment?!" I yelled in frustration

"No, killing people is my job...my job" she told me. I rolled my eyes at her, "just go on, tell me what happened"

"Oh right...i uhmm...well you killed the mood and im not sure if..i-i" she stuttered, great so i killed the mood? Just great.

Now she wont tell me what happened, and i went through hell and back for nothing? Hell no!

"Ohh no,no,no,no... You are gonna tell me what happened and not leave me here confused and frustrated" i towered over her making her scowl, she doesnt like to be intimidated or over powered.

Thankfuly, height does matter. Im an evil friend i know, shes 5'6 and Im 5'7 and a half. Were not that tall and were not that short either, were what you call average nothing much.

"Fine okay...okay, but this only happened in an accident, like omygosh i-i ahh!!" She shreiked, now im confused. Can i google what shes trying to say? Cause i could definitely use some answers

Have you ever had that feeling you want to punch your bestfriends face so much cause she's too damn annoying, but you couldnt do it because you love her?

Yeah, that is how i feel right now. She starts muttering words about 'soft' and 'amazing'.

There goes my patience down in the toilet bowl, so i did what i had to do.

No, dont worry i didnt hurt her... I killed her.

"Ohhhh, yodoleeheeehooooo!" I sang and she stopped glaring at me, i smirked it always works.

"Fine..here it goes"

"Ikissedjeremyinthecarridetoschoolbyaccident"she said in one breathe, and smiled innocently at me.

"Okay, say what?!" There i used the Hannah Montana preference, cause im that comfused.

"What are we talking about?" She said giving me one of those innocent looks, she just used the 'Chicken Little' preference. Sneaky Brat

I thought for another disney preference, "the hair on your chinny,chin,chin" i retorted.

"Ha! You lost! That wasnt a disney preference!" She yelled in victory, "wait! I-i uhmm... Miska muska mickey mouse! Nahh your still hairy" i smirked.

We paused for a few seconds looking at each other befor burst out laughing, "oh-my-g-gosh! I have to admit that was a good one"

"Ok-ok just tell me! And stop changing the subject!" I scolded her, when she finaly regained composure of herself she came close to me.

And said "We kissed"

A/n: cliffhanger! Lol, not really or idk. Anyways, pleaee be patience with me  having these writers block and it so ahh!


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