Nothing Happened

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After that day, we just went to school like nothing happened. I told my mom that i visited Veronica's grave and she was happy for me moving on.

For that past two weeks we ignored each other, the girls also left which was hard for me but i was thankful that i have Kelly and Ella who are by the way the coolest.

Over the past few weeks me, Kelly, Ella, Javen, and Mary have gotten so close. And guess what? Ella's twin brother is Reece! You know that twat? Or the cute guy?

Anyways, i am so confused right now. I dont know what to do.

I feel like he's dropping a few hints that he likes me, but then the next day he acts like i was just a mere stranger to him! He's so complicated! (A/n: that is how i feel right now, lol)

But one thing is true, I like him.

Period. I dont know how and i dont know when, it just happened.

I mean, im not ready for anything.. I have a lot on my bucket and its getting too heavy for my shoulders to carry, i dont think im gonna be ready.

I know how painful feeling so heartbroken, rejected and alone. And i dont want to feel like that again.

Only a week left and its gonna be my birthday, my dad insisted i throw a party but im not sure about that one.

I have also been working out like Henry told me to, and i wake up early in the morning to catch a bus only to avoid going to school with Jeremy.

I am also happy because i finished my week of detention and community service, and i am also happy that Henry never told anyone about what happened during the first night of the community service, does anyone remember that? No? Its better to stay that way... Gosh it was so embarassing i swear.

My mom gave me a punishment for that little scene i caused, she signed me up for theatre arts. And it only made it worst when i knee that Jeremy's aunt is one of the directors of the play.

Could my life get any worst?


"So are you throwing a party?" Henry asked me, plopping on my bed.

"You do know i dont drink right?" I cocked him an eyebrow, he sighed and shook his head.

"But being a bad ass is part of drinking and getting your ass of drunk!" He exclaimed jumping on my bed making me jump with him and off the bed.

Hmmph! "Henry! Stop jumping on my bed! And besides, im pretending to be a bad ass. I dont have to do those besides, now that Jeremy wont kill me i have to stop the act" i brushed some hair that fell off to my face.

He huffed and jumped off walking to my desk and spinning in my chair, why is he acting so..childish? Unless he's...omy gosh!

"Henry! Are you high?!?!" I yelled walking over to him, he looked at me and smiled."maybe" he sheepishly said.

I was going to check his pocket but he kept on swatting my hands away, i was frustrated "Henry! Behave!" I sternly told him.

He sat up straight and gave me a boyish smile, i ruffled his hair and checked on his pockef. But i heard some plastic crumpled sound.

I frowned at him and get it out, i felt a plaatic lots of it full on his pocket.

"What the-" when i pulled it out i was so relieved to see candy wraps. I checked in his other pocket and i was sure it was also full.

"Henry, havent i told you to not eat it all!. Youre allergic to it!" I scolded him which made him pout his lips and cry. Mom must have gave him a dose of medicines which made him look like he's high.

And timea like these are the only times i feel like the older one. "Henry, i just told you i did no-" before i could tell him mom barged inside the room and looking at me dissappointedly.

"But mom-" she raised a hand and asked Henry what i did wrong, and that idiot whined saying "Emmy gave me pop pops!". I scowled at him, why would i spank him! Not in a kinky way ofcourse, you perves.

Mom glared at me and cooed my brother, "aww, dont mind her baby. Come on lets go get ice cream". Henry nodded, and mom dragged him out of my room. But before they can move out the door, mom pointed a finger at me saying "Everytime, Em. Everytime". I shrugged and grabbed my backpack rushing past them.

I looked out the window and saw Jeremy's car already parked in the driveway probably waiting for me. I went to thr kitchen and grabbed a granola bar on top of the table, after that i ran outside entering his car.

Everytime i ride his car on the way to school, the car will be filled with comfortable silence with We The Kimgs track cd on the background softly playing.

And i thought this is gonna be one of those usual rides, but i spoke too soon. He broke the silence, "So uhmm, did you uhmmm...sleep? I-you-i mean..sleep well?" His question made me laugh and cock an eyebrow at him.

I regained myself bit a wide grin plastered on my face, i turned to him and said "i did, i slept well". He shook his head smilling, "im sorry, i was just uhmm..-" he trailed off. "Nervous?" I added and he gave me a small smile, saying 'yeah'. Moments later we arrived in school and went our seperate ways, i sighed as i watched him walk over to his friends.

"Em! Hurry up! Were gonna be late!" I snapped my head to Mary who was waiting for me and i smiled and went over to her.

What the heck happened to us?

A/n: gosh this is so boring, sorry for the filler chapter but dont worry for the next chapt is gonna be lots of surprises,lol.

Anyways, if ur great at giving crush advices please PM me! I need help!

Happy Almost 2k reads! And this is the 20th chapter! Im soo happy, i never expected me to hold on this long.

©to the owner of the gif :)

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