Chapter 18 - Regroup

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Rouge sluggishly took off her shoes and made her way into Hayato's living room. The last time she was here, their two families got together for a meal. It was tradition for the two families to come together once a year. Her eyes caught the glint that shown off of the glass table at the center of the room.

Everything was spotless and neatly in place. The three large couches were positioned so meticulously around the table, she could've sworn Hayato's mom confirmed her adjustments by using a measuring tool. The entertainment stand at the opposite end of the table was also well decorated with a few flowers and two digital picture frames that cycled through a series of family pictures. Everything was mindfully arranged as to not intrude on the projected TV screen.

She collapsed on the couch to her left. The stiffness of her body gradually faded away as the soft couch welcomed her into its embrace. She used the time to take in the crazy events of the day in full. What was supposed to be an informative meeting turned into a living nightmare.

She let out a deep sigh, relieving herself of all the stress that accompanied it. The silence in the house was jarring and nearly made the two uncomfortable despite the peaceful contrast it offered compared to their otherwise boisterous day. "What a day...looks like your mom's still out with her friends?"

"Probably," Hayato said from the kitchen. "Want anything?"

"A bottle of water's fine."

Rouge struggled to push the image of the dark figure out of her thoughts. As she closed her eyes, scenes of the incident flashed through her mind. Most of all, the piercing red eyes that stared back at her in the darkness was unrelenting. The amber flames that seemed to have levitated on their own were burned in her mind. It all happened so suddenly and without warning.

"I wish I was awake to at least offer you some comfort through that situation. I can't imagine how you felt, the fear you experienced..."

Rouge sat up to turn her attention to Hayato. "It's ok," she replied, catching the bottle of water Hayato threw to her. She put the cool bottle to her cheek, letting the water jolt her back to her senses. "I don't blame you. Compared to the crazy dreams you've had, this is nothing. With this experience I understand a bit more of where you're coming from."

Hayato gazed at his childhood friend feeling a sense of regret. There he was in the office with her in her time of desperation, and he was asleep? What kind of friend was he?

He couldn't help but feel some guilt despite Rouge waving it off and reassuring him it wasn't his fault. Aside from their childhood, he's never seen her cry until today. Afterall he's always known her as the spunky, mischievous, and outgoing Rouge. A far cry from who he felt he was.

She was a strong willed individual and never let anything get her down. However, for the first time in her life, she came face to face with her own weaknesses and it nearly broke her.

On the other hand, Hayato has always been a gentle and shy person, often keeping to his books and getting made fun of for it. As kids, Rouge would frequently get herself into trouble for confronting anyone who dared to pick on her friend.

He often simply saw her as "one of the guys", but today changed things for the both of them. He felt a drive within himself to be bold and take a stand for her just as she's always done for him in the past. It was clear to him that in a sense, it was Rouge protecting him today just like the old days.

"Ah, I really needed that," Rouge said, putting the empty bottle on the table. "Thanks for the water." She undid her ponytail, letting her autumn colored hair fall gently to her back, its various shades of browns and overall red hue often made her stand out.

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