Chapter 24 - Shayo

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The week couldn't have gone by fast enough for Hayato as he anticipated their meeting with Shayo and the trip to Jerusalem.

He'd already updated Rouge about his decision to give his mom the space she needed due to what she faced in the past, at least for now. After everything she revealed to him, he found himself unable to further question her decision to take part in the movement.

Although she understood the thought process behind his actions, Rouge couldn't help but think to herself if this was the correct path to take but decided she would leave it to him. In like manner, her parents had already placed their faith in Juno and decided to watch as things unfolded.

As Hayato made his way to the airbus terminals at the center of town where the three decided to rendezvous, he thought back to the conversation he had with his dad a few days prior regarding the events that transpired with Blake, his trip to Jerusalem, and learning about his mom's childhood.

Hayato expected his dad to be disappointed, but instead Juno brushed it off as an important learning experience for the two which would enable further growth. Growth that his dad believed was now essential more than ever in the increasingly complex world they now found themselves in.

His dad was always quick to listen and understand before giving input or offering advice, a trait he highly respected him for. He encouraged Hayato for coming as far as he did with Grace and told him he'd handle the rest somehow. Hayato wasn't sure what he had up his sleeve but knew if anyone was able to persuade his mom, it would have to be him.

As he approached the terminals, he spotted an excited Emilie from a distance waving him down. The two shared an interest in nature, albeit expressing it in different ways - Hayato through his books while Emilie channeled that interest through her art and photography, the latter she enjoyed recreationally.

Despite that, being able to immerse themselves in nature, take pictures, and soak in the best scenery they could find was always a joy, even more so when you had someone to share it with. The last time they'd seen each other was now several months ago compared to how frequently Hayato usually got together with Rouge.

"Emz. It's been a while, uh?"

"Hato-nii!" Emilie responded, throwing her arms around Hayato.

Similarly to Rouge, Hayato's known Emilie for decades, in fact, since she was born. Emilie often looked up to Hayato as a second older brother, likewise, she was like a sister to him. The three friends had an inseparable bond and no doubt considered each other as family, irregardless of blood relations.

For as long as he's remembered, "Hato-nii" has always been the way Emilie addressed him. As soon as she started speaking, "Hato" was what she called him as a small child before learning how to say his name properly, but by then, it had already stuck.

From the little Japanese she knew, nii, a word added to the end of the name to refer to someone as an older brother, was something she enjoyed throwing in for added measure. It was all normal to them.

"Ya, it's been a bit. It's because you two don't invite me to come along on your outings anymore. That's no fair," she added playfully.

"Funny. You know that most of the time you're engrossed in your artwork," Rouge responded.

"In my defense, I did send you some pictures of Mori Forest last time Rouge and I went."

"True! Thanks to that, I have some more material I can use as references for whatever I decide to work on in the future."

As Emilie walked back to her suitcase, Hayato's eyes gravitated to her all-black attire, a black cap with two small silver rings on the upper right edge of the rim that complemented her black shorts, t-shirt, shoes, and watch. It easily stood out to Rouge's grey athletic wear and his casual t-shirt and shorts. Rouge caught a glimpse of Hayato and stifled back a giggle.

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