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Tom's pov


Tord and I walked into the house after coming back from the mall, I slammed the bags on the kitchen table and angrily stomped my way to the couch and sat down crossing my arms and Rolling my eyes,

"Fuck everyone.." I mumbled.

I watched Edd from the corner of my eye give a small smile and sit beside me with a can of cola in hand as usual, a look of worry crossing his face as he gently caressed the bandage on my right cheek, I didn't need to hear any words come out of his mouth to know the sheer outburst he was going to have.

"Tom? Uhm, what is this?"

I looked over at him and then down at my intertwined fingers, What happened really wasn't a big deal, it had happened several times to me before, yet the soft tone in Edds voice, the panic that I knew he was holding inside of him to not worry me; it all pained me to know that really the only times I can truly realize how much he and the others love me is when situations like this occur.

"I just got into a fight, nothing that serious Eddy."

He sighed and shook his head, expressing that either he didn't believe me, or he was ready to hurt someone.

"Again? What was it about this time?"

In all honesty my heart ached, I didn't know Eddy cared that much about me, I guess I really do overlook the simple things.

"I got in a fight with a guy at the mall.. that's all."

I looked up from my hands only to see that Edd had a sort of amused look on his face, he looked as if his friend had just told him a fib that he actually knew the truth too but decided to keep to himself, now how Edd knew that I was this friend, will remain a mystery to me.


pov change: now

Quickly rushing down the stairs, Tord caught himself almost tripping when he saw Tom bounding Eduardo Infront of him, a sight he never thought would display Infront of him.

He had ran down the stairs after hearing Tom yelling at the top of his lungs, it didn't compare to what he heard in the bedroom but it still surprised him.

"-And if I catch your sorry ass trying to taunt Eddy again I swear to Jehovah that smug mustache of yours will be peeled off with duck tape you hear me?"

Edduardo shook his head nonchalantly as Tom ended his threat, the Brit scoffing and pushing him away after letting him go.

"Was he switching the cola again?"

Edd peeked his head from behind the fridge doors and nodded,


Tord shrugged and looked back over at Tom, who was now kinda just lost in his own little mind.

"Ya fight well for a shorty"

Whipping his head right at Tord as soon as he heard the word 'short-' Tom had the deadliest glare he could, he didn't even have to think about it it was just natural, as soon as that word leaves anyone mouth, and it's directed towards him, their dead, no questions asked, but he'd spare Tord just this once.

"My size doesn't effect my ability to snap someone's neck in 97 different ways"

Tom said with a smirk tugging at his lips, his voice confident and sure,

"Including yours, Commie.."

Tord rolled his eyes and chuckled at the boys attempt to be intimidating, it was more adorable then threatening to him, just him might I add.

"You can't even reach my neck"

Tord blurted out playfully while taking the Brits hand in his, holding it like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

"Do you really want to test me!? Cause' I see my step stool right over there near Edd, don't make me use it.

Tord sighed and looked back down at Tom, amusement spread across his face, words not even needing to describe how amused he was at this point.

Tom stared back at him and bit his lip as he began to blush, Tord's gazing into his voids caused him to face away from him, his blush growing more and more visible.

"S-stupid commie.."

Tord chuckled and pulled Tom along with him up the stairs.

Tom's eyes widened as he realized they were going into tords room and began to blush even more when he heard tord lock the door.

He was lead to tords bed and sat down at the edge clenching onto the covers anxiously.

"Wh-what do you want..?"

Tord pouted and sat next to Tom, gently lifting his chin with his index finger and staring back into Tom's void like eyes with a subtle smile.

"Why do you always treat me differently when there are people around kattunge?"

Tom shyly clenched onto tords red hoodie while looking at it as he felt his cheeks burn up.

"S-stop calling me that"

Tord chuckled and bent down to Tom's right cheek and kissed it, only to pull back and gently touch the bandage placed there with a look of guilt in his eyes.

"It's really not your fault Tord.."

He placed his hand on top of Tords and placed his other on Tords cheek.

The Norski didn't really know how to respond to Tom's statement other than with a low,

"Well I feel like it is"

He did feel guilty about the situation at the mall, he did make sure to beat the shit out of the guy that hurt Tom but only when Tom had stormed off, angry at him for not doing anything; yeah sure Tom would say it wasn't his fault, he was just so kind and caring that he wouldn't dare blame anything that happened to him on anyone other than himself because it happened to him so it was his fault, that's just the way Tom thought.

Tord wasn't going to tell Tom anything about beating the guy up, that would just make him feel like he was bragging and the thought made him cringe, so he just accepted whatever the Brit said.

"But you know what's best I guess" Tord smiled and tackled Tom down beside him on the bed, the two immediately cuddling eachother like any other day.

Tom yawned and slowly wrapped his arms around Tord's neck, His around Tom's waist.

The Brit closed his eyes and smiled at the others warmth, the light from the room slowly fading away as he heard Tord flicker the light switch beside him, a gentle kiss placed on his cheek before he drifted to sleep.

"Night, kattunge."

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