☭ S T R E S S E D ☭

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So I was feeling pretty down yesterday, so I uhm- started and finished this story before the smut chapter I said I'd be posting I'm sorry but like cut me some slack I'm sad-

Smut chapter will be out tomorrow, if school decides not to fuck my mental health up for once

🍭🍬Tommy🍬🍭: × Baby I'll be home soon, I love you! ×


Sneezing like a fucking cat as soon as he got off of the bus, Tom scrunched his nose once the cold hit him, colder than he was told it would be, definitely not dressed properly in his slim black harem pants and oversized grey supreme sweatshirt, his black Balenciaga sock sneakers not keeping him warm one bit.

Rushing to his house, the Brit pulled up his hood and breathed out a huff of air, visible smoke Infront of him, though he quickly rushed pass it once he saw the front door of the house wide open, sprinting and even running to it, jumping the gate and rushing into the house where he almost tripped on Tord's bookbag which he clearly carelessly threw on the floor.

Tom ran up the stairs and down the hall, practically punching the door open and hitching his breath at the sight Infront of him.

He ran Infront of the Norski that sat on the edge of the bed, his elbows resting on his thighs as he stared down at the carpeted floor below them; the most dead and blank expression plastered on his face as if he were a doll of sorts, his silver grey eyes blank and dead, no life in them at all. The knife in his right hand barely being held and just ready to fall out of his hand, Tom snatching it and setting it down beside him slowly, Tord's left arm was no longer what it was, and it never would be; three deep and large cuts displayed separately on his arm, one near his inner elbow, the next in the middle of his arm, and the last dangerously close to his wrist, the untouched skin between each cut going painfully inward, further emphasizing how deep these cuts were, blood gushing out of them continuously pouring onto the carpet, splattered everywhere.

Tom kneeled down in front of him and stayed silent, his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

Tears swelled up in his eyes as he took in the sight more, he didn't have time to blame himself for this, he didn't even know what to do, he didn't know what to say, he just didn't know.

He looked up at the Norski and watched as his grey eyes followed his voided ones, they stared at eachother, neither one of them knowing what the other was thinking, scarce tention between the two.

"T-tord what.."

Tom's gentle voice cracked once he reached the end of his forced sentence, the tears finally falling, he hated how easily he could cry, it always made him seem like a baby, which didn't help his case here.

Slowly, Tom lifted his hands and placed them on Tord's cheeks, caressing them with his cold thumbs, he stared deeply into Tord's eyes, watching as his pupils slowly went from completely dialated to large and then it's normal size, the Norski almost seemed to have started breathing again and looking alive after, blinking as he stared back at Tom, his eyes watering slightly, looking as if there was a whole story that could be told just by looking into them long enough.


Tord averted his eyes, finally showing signs of life.

"Why Tord, tell me why.. please"

Tom cried out, Tord's eyes widening at this, opening his mouth to speak, but not getting the chance once he was pulled into a tight hug, his face being gently set onto Tom's chest and two pairs of arms wrapping themselves around his head.

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