the monster under my bed is actually a cuddle bear

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Tord woke up to the sound of..nothing?

He sat up on his bed confused, shutting his eyes tight at the slight form of a headache and opening them again to adjust to the darkness in his room. He looked to his side at the alarm clock on his nightstand and squinted at the digital 2:58 on it, he sighed and stood, deciding to get himself some water and see if he would fall back asleep, drowsiness leaving him quicker than any trace of happiness that I feel- I mean, Tord was a tired happy boy right then. ^^

The Norski denied the fact he was practically dragging himself down the hall, not feeling the slightest bit intimidated by the darkness of the house, the place reminded him of a certain Brit he forgot to kiss goodnight after passing out from a long day of doing nothing and he felt a tinge of guilt, a tinge that grew hard and cold every step he took going down the steps, he made a U-turn, heading back upstairs.

Slowly, the boy walked towards his baby's room, which from the end of the hall he noticed had the door wide open, odd now that he thought about it, his Tommy-bear always left the door closed so the monsters wouldn't come in his room, the monsters..Tord silently cursed and practically flew to the boys room, regretting life as he knew it, or just his sleeping schedule really.

He made it the the open door and kind of jumped back when he heard a loud scream like cry errupt from the room, the bed screeching back due to someone jumping back on it followed by loud, untamed and ugly cries. Tord walked in the room slowly, cooing and assuring the boy on the bed that he wasn't a monster and he wouldn't dare hurt him as he walked closer and invitingly opened up his arms to shakily be pounced on, a small, broken boy now in his arms.

Tord frowned and rubbed the boys back, nodding when Tom tried to speak even through choking sobs, trying to catch his breath when Tord sat on the bed and placed him in his lap, shaking his head and clenching onto the taller boy for dear life as they laid on the bed on their sides. Tom pressed up against the Norski's chest and Tord making sure the boy felt safe and warm in his strong overprotective arms, nose nuzzled in the boy's cinnamon smelling hair and somehow managing to press him closer and closer with every sob.

After a lot of reassurance, light kisses on his face, and soft spoken words whispered in his ear, Tom finally calmed down, face buried on Tord's chest and hands clenching the back of his shirt slightly, afraid of letting go and losing him like in the little dream he just had, he whimpered just thinking about it.

"Baby bear?" Tord asked super softly, moving his head down and kissing Toms nose when he looked up with teary eyes, he sniffled once before whimpering again, closing his eyes and letting a smile blossom once he was attacked with more kisses all over his face, letting out a hoarse giggle from crying too much.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry it happened again, do you want to tell me what this nightmare was about this time? Was it paralysis?" Tord asked, stopping Tom from looking back down by nuzzling his neck. Tom hesitated but nodded slowly, trying to clear his throat while Tord rubbed his back again, his fingernails tracing little designs on the red hoodie he was wearing.

"There were- m-monsters and they came from my room this time.." he couldn't help but sniffle, his nose was runny and tingly, "they came from my closet, and dresser, there were three, they were all s-scary." he almost sobbed again, Tord brought the boys head to his chest again, kissing his hair, "B-but..when they were done being scary and I thought it would all be over, another one came, from under my bed..I felt the bed shaking underneath me Tord, sharp things hurting my back like it was trying to stab me, it hurt, it hurt." He repeated, recalling the memory.

Tord urged him with a squeeze, "I was still stuck there, I couldn't move, I-I felt like I couldn't  breathe either because I was s-so scared I wanted Tordy to come and save me.." he trailed off, remembering what happened and trying to realize it wasn't real, "Tordy did come.."

Tord raised a brow questioningly, eyes closed, "I did?"

Tom didn't say anything for a while, Tord waited patiently, "you came, but the monster got to me dragged you out of the room, and than you came back were the monster now.."

Tord hummed, "Real Tordy's real you know, I'm real Tordy." The Norski looked down at the Brit, giving a sad smile when he got a suspicious frown, "look," Tord brought the boy closer to his chest, letting him hear his heart beat. Tom nodded, "Monsters don't have heart's, their too mean.."

Tord nodded, "Really mean meany pants, especially to my lil' baby Tommy bear, so mean." Tord  shook his head, getting a playful giggle, "do you want me to check for more monsters? Tommy?"

"Uh-uh.." he paused,


Tord smiled and leaned away from their little hug, patting Toms head as he stood up and looked around the room, checking in the closet, the dressers, finally he looked under the bed, his heart dropping at the sight of something he didn't think he would see, hiding under Toms bed.

He stared at the Tord looking plushie and kneeled off of the floor, showing the thing to Tom with a questionable look. Tom averted his eyes innocently and slowly pulled the covers over him as he laid back in bed, back facing a betrayed Tord, he was a little rebel Tord thought.

"Thomas, I..I've been replaced?" He looked at the plushie, dull grey buttons for eyes, a red silk thing tied to its body which honestly was kind of built even if it was stuffed, and just horns covered with orange paint for hair, he glared it down, "By this thing.." he stopped a small snarl and looked back at the bed, seeing the fluffy hair above the covers move up and down to show a nod, Tord gasped dramatically, frowning when Tom turned over and smiled, stretching his arms for a hug.

Tord gladly threw the plushie behind him and went into Tom's arms, resting his cheek against the boys hoodie covered chest and still having his protective grip on the boys waist, this was a warm and fuzzy moment. Tord liked cuddles.

"You haven't been replaced Tordy, I like the real Tordy better," Tom assured, playing with the Norski's hair, he nuzzled his nose into it, closing his eyes as sleep lightly knocked on his brains door.

"Good." Tord mumbed, no warning when he gave Tom a little kiss on the neck, "Plushie Tord might've been the monster under your bed, just saying, no hate." All the hate.

Tom nodded thoughtfully, "Tordy would never hurt me," he said, not knowing he was melting said boys heart with that statement, he was just telling it how it is.

The Brit cupped Tord's cheeky cheeks and made him look into his voids, dark and pretty, "real Tordy's just a cuddle bear, can you hurt me with cuddles?" his eyes narrowed sleepily and he smiled when Tord leaned up and planted a kiss on his cheek, than lips, he nuzzled the boys neck.

"Let's find out, Cutie,"



hi ^^

miss me?

I missed u..

Uh, this isn't smut ik, sowwy, but I  can't find my file for it?? Or something, stuff happened, eh-

(there might be a lot of spelling errors and  *Tord[Todd, Ford] autocorrects)

I rushed this little thing because I wanted to get a quick story out before I die- I mean, I'm not dying fr, but I might suddenly disappear off here again, I don't know when, but it might be around the time schools everywhere officially close. Sorry for being dead a lot, I try, I really do, but life really doesn't like cooperating with me :'/

okie, bye

ily Precious' 

stay safe for me💕


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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