Chapter 17

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'I'm gonna love you six ways to Sunday

I wanna do it like it's never been done

I'm gonna love you six ways to Sunday

I wanna hear that woman speaking in tongue' I started singing.

"Well out if all the songs you could be singing, you start singing Six ways To Sunday by Blackberry Smoke?" Xavier asks me. "OMG! You actually speak! And yes I was singing Blackberry Smoke. Don't judge!" I snap. Xavier puts his arms up in a 'I didn't do it!' position. I start laughing. Avery comes down the stairs. "Where are we going Talia?" "We are going to meet some of my friends from primary school." I say. Avery is not all that excited. "You don't have to come then Avery." I say then pout. "Fine!" She snaps. I feel so awesome.

So what happened is when I got the phone call, I raced home and got into some jeans and a shirt. Much less dressy.

I grab Avery's arm and run out the front door. I see Tyler and Xavier running towards us. I stop and I say to them. "You mess up with one minor move and it turns major. Don't fuck it up!" I walk over to the beach and sit on the sand.

Waiting, waiting. "Talia?" I look behind me to see 4 very much happy people. I race over to them and hug all of them. After a reunion talking about shit, I realised that I should introduce. "Why did so many god damn guys come? Well these are my close friends from primary school that I haven't seen in ages. OMG! Remember the twerkinator? That was awesome as!! Well this is Teagan, Olivia, Chloe and Josh. This is Tyler, Avery, Xavier, Matt and Colin." After a hi well, that's when it got really awkward. "How did you guys meet?" Chloe asks me. Gosh they have all changed. Teagan now has long curly hair, still a pale face. Chloe still has her long dark hair and her awesome glasses, Olivia has her hair dip dyed like normal. Josh still has his dimples that her really dislikes. "Well. I was playing basketball with Avery and there were these 2 guys staring." I explained. "Lemme guess. Tyler and Xavier?" Teagan said. "Correct but no million dollars one." I say. I look across at the guys and 3 of then have a massive smile on their face. I elbow Tyler and point in their direction. "Is this a moment that U should be saying fuck? I know it's not but... I want then to sort of live a normal life." I tell Tyler but I mutter the last part. "Let them be happy." Tyler says. I walk over to Teagan, Josh, Chloe and Olivia. "Um...girls, you realise that some of the guys over there, such as my friends, are basically checking you out?" I warn the girls. Well this is going to be fun. "Hey! We are just going to be going to Starbucks and random shopping places." I say to Tyler because I know better then to not tell him. Angry Tyler. "I'll come with you." Tyler says walking over to me. "Oh hell to the no! I just want to go out with my friends. Why is that such a big deal?" Tyler whispers in my ear. "Because their is a guy with you and their might be rogues." "Well, if there is any danger, I will call you straight away." I reassure Tyler. "Fine!" Tyler gives up. "No following!" I shout. "Let's go."

I haven't even reaches our first stop, Starbucks and I have 5 freaking messages. "Hello. Is your name Talia?" A guy asks me. Muscular, scars all over his face. I automatically know. "No. My name is Sally. Goodbye." I say to the rogue casually. We all start walking off. "No. I know that your name is Talia and you are coming with me." The rogue says strictly. I pick up my phone. Automatic Siri text. Thank you Siri. Obviously worked because by 30 seconds Tyler was here. Yep. Did not reach that far. "Matt, Chips. Take the girls and Josh to the house. NOW!" I order the guys. I look over to see the girls freaking scared. Josh is just creeped out. Teagan is just fucking freaking out. I see them walking out though. Yay. At least they are safe. "So what do you want?" I ask the rogue. "I had special orders from someone to come and collect you and that's what I have to do." The rogue answered. Well that made Tyler completely pissed. I see a body stand in front of me. Tyler. "You will not bloody touch her." Tyler growled. "Look, you just hand me over and nobody will be hurt." The rogue says. "Who the hell are you guys anyway?" I ask. "Remember me?" I hear a deep voice. That voice creeps the shit out of me. I gulp. It obviously was loud because Tyler stares at me. The man moves forward. "Well, you've grown since I last saw you. You remember me don't you?" The guy asks. "How did you find me?" I ask. I take like 20 thousand deep breaths. "Well, I saw you at Vidcon which sort of helps." The man says. Fuck, he was there the whole time. "Why do you want me? You already killed her. What's the goddamn point?" I shout. I walk backwards. Can you guess who it is? It's the guy that freakin raped Delilah. "What if I told you she wasn't dead?" The man says. "That's bullcrap! I saw her die in front of me." I point out. I am getting really scared now. She is dead. How the hell could she be alive? "Bring her out." The man ordered. Yep, I don't know the dudes name. Well that's helpful. A girl my age walks out. "Holy shit! How is this possible?" I walk over to her. I engulf her in a hug. "Well you seem very happy now don't you. The reunion is always lovely, but missy, you and Delilah have to come with us." The man says. "Fuck no! Those two aren't going any where except with me!" TYLER warns. I grab Delilah's hand and race over to Tyler. She won't budge. "Delilah, what's wrong? Come on." She won't go anywhere. "You see, she's... changed. She won't leave unless it's on my command." The man tells me. What?! "Fine! You'll end up regretting it Delilah." I storm off. I walk back to the house. I walk up to my room and open the door and slam in back with a loud bang. I'm so goddamn pissed. What could have of happened. The only way to calm myself down. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and earphones. Insert, full blast, Avril Lavigne, play. Done and I am out. I pick up my iPad and read the book that I can't live without. The Mortal Instruments. There's a knock on my door but I don't hear it. Music!!!!! I feel a headphone being taking out of my ear. "Talia, we all want to talk to you." Teagan says to me. I waddle downstairs to see the best surprise of my life. A freakin chocolate cake! "MINE MINE MINE!!!!! Nobody touch or you will be stabbed with a plastic spoon to death. Na! I get the biggest piece! Thank you guys!!!!" It's chocolate cake. Life is all good.

We sit there with chocolate all around our mouths. I walk upstairs. I enter my room and pause. Oh my god. I grab my phone and run downstairs. "TEAGAN!!" I grab her by the hand and drag her up the stairs. "I'm freaking out." I hand her my phone. "I need help."


Thank you so much Teagan, Josh, Chloe and Olivia for letting me use your "you" in the story. Honestly, I love this idea. I am thinking that they will be in the book and staying in the book. Guys, you will also see a side of Teagan that you have never seen before oh the next chapter okay.

Be aware that these people are really good friends of mine at school from primary. You guys are all awesome inside and out, even when I freaking hate you guys to death so much that I want to stab you and kill you with a plastic spoon.

Teagan's wattpad- tiggles12

Olivia's wattpad- 1dXliviX1d

Chloe's wattpad- Chlo127

Josh's wattpad- Joshy52

✌️ out chienne

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