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Me and Hobi were sitting in the waiting room while Yoongi was getting examined. 3 hours have already passed and I was growing impatient because it was 9 am and Yuna's performance was staring in 1 hour.

Hobi seemed to notice my impatience and decided to confront me about it.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

I looked at him, "Yeah, but it's okay." I said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, he's going to be okay." he tried to reassure me, but my head was now in the clouds.

My phone started to ring now, it was Yuna which made my heart beat rapidly. There was nowhere I could go to have a private call, so I picked it up with Hobi right beside me.

"Good morning, Yunie~ How is my girl ready for today's performance?" I said with a cheerful voice which made Hobi smile beside me.

"I'm so nervous! But I'm reassured since I know you're on your way!" she said happily which made my heart clench, "Ne~ I'll be there to watch you own the stage~" I said cheekily which made her laugh happily, "Be quick! I can't wait to see you!" she said as we then ended the call.

I let out a long sigh, this time feeling the fatigue.

"Your sister has a performance today?" asked Hobi curiously which made me nod with a smile, "Really? And when?" he continued, "In 46 minutes." I said which made Hobi gasp, "Are you serious?!" he stood up which called the attention of the whole waiting room on us. I made him sit down quickly.

"What are you gonna do?" he asked worriedly, "Make sure Yoongi is okay first." I smiled at him.

But as soon as I said that, the door opened and revealed Yoongi with nurse behind him. Me and Hobi immediately stood up as we met Yoongi's tired eyes.

"You're lucky you came when you came. If you'd wait any longer, his appendix could burst." as soon as she finished the line, me and Hobi gasped.

I then glared at Yoongi who seemed to be out of it.

"He should rest as much as possible for at least 1 week. We stopped the appendix from bursting and now he has anesthetics in him, so he is dazed out." the nurse smiled as Yoongi joined us now.

"Thank you so much.. Is there something we can do for him meanwhile? Like some home-remedy or anything?" I asked, "He shouldn't eat anything too heavy and oily that could make his appendix triggered." she said, "Thank you." said Hobi, "You're welcome, have a nice day." said the nurse as we said our goodbye.

We led Yoongi slowly to the car and as soon as he sat down, me and Hobi went to sit as well.

"How do you feel you idiotic Min Yoongi?" I looked at him from the mirror which made him grin, "Are you still mad?" he said between chuckles, "Of course, I am! You're so irresponsible towards your own health!" I kept scolding him for the rest of the drive to dorms.

"Bon, what are you going to do about the performance? You have to make it!" said Hobi as we helped Yoongi inside so he could take a rest which I doubted he would take.

I noticed Yoongi narrow his eyebrows in confusion, "Performance?" he asked cluelessly.

"Hyung.. Her sister has performance in 15 minutes and she's still not there! She promised her–" but as Hobi started to explain, he was soon interrupted by Yoongi:

"What are you still doing here then?" he said with a flat tone which made me surprised but I knew the true motive behind it - he wanted me to see it as well without regretting later.

"But boss–"

"We can cover for you, saying that you're here with us. Performance is a one-time thing that you might not see many times, especially for an idol trainee like your sister." he said as he turned his back to me.

Even despite his cold tone, I knew he didn't want me to miss out on Yuna's performance. Even if many saw him as someone who couldn't express his feelings, then they would have to meet him to see for themselves what a softie he actually was.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me.. But–" but before I could finish my sentence, Yoongi interrupted me, "Is she gone yet, Hobi?" he said which made me grin instantly.

Aishh.. These two.. Thank you so much..

I hugged Yoongi from behind which surprised him since he wasn't expecting that.

"Thank you, my pabooo~" I teased him happily which made him snicker.

As soon as I separated, I saw smiling Hobi, "I owe you this one.. Thank you so much.." I said with a whole-hearted smile as I also embraced him affectionately, "Aigoo, it's okay. Just don't miss it because you had to hug us, go go~" he separated from me with a bright smile.

I then quickly turned my back towards them and started to dash towards the car while screaming, "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!". In the distance I heard Hobi's laugh which made me smile. The tears also gushed into the corner of my eyes.

I will never forget their kindness.. I have to work harder in order to repay them..

Yoongi's P. O. V:

What a silly girl.. She would really rather miss out on her little sister's performance? Pfft, she seriously cherishes us if she would go this far.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" said Hobi behind me which made me look at him, "She keeps unnecessarily overworking herself for something that isn't a part of her job." I said coldly, but I knew Hobi could see through it.

"Maybe.. But that's what makes our time in the company enjoyable. Aishh, wish I could do more for her since she has done so much already.." he sighed.

So I'm not the only one thinking that, huh? That silly girl keeps overworking herself for our sake. Can't complain, however, she should slow down before her health goes downhill.

"Hyung, you stop overworking yourself. You heard her. You're an idiotic Min Yoongi." he bursted out laughing almost as if he heard my thoughts which made me chuckle.

"It feels wrong to ease up when working is all I've ever known." I defended myself, "Bonbon will keep nagging you." he said teasingly.

I didn't really dislike the thought of that though.


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