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Bon-Gi's P. O. V:

As soon as I blew the candles, everyone started to clap and cheer. I sensed a certain pair of eyes on me which made me realize that it was Jimin. I looked at him automatically and sended him the best smile I could manage to show him that I was happy.

I looked at my puppy who was wiggling in my arms. It made me snicker at his adorable action.

"Hope you're least sad now." smiled Yoongi as even my boss patted my head gently, "You did well, kid. Now go and have some fun. You're free for the rest of the day." he said he hugged me once again.

I truly felt like his daughter, he made me feel parent's love that I haven't felt for some time now.

"Thank you so much.. I think I'll come and visit my mom with Mint." I said with a smile, however, I noticed BangPD tense up a little which made me immediately worried.

"Nothing happened to her, right?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes, feeling very rushed about the answers.

He cleared his throat as he turned his head towards Bangtan who was now dead silent, visibly concerned about where this was going, "Boys, go practice now." he said sternly which made boys silently retreat without other word.

We were now completely alone, "Bon.. Your mother's conditition has worsened, she needs an immediate surgery if she is supposed to live for the next 3 months–" but after that my mind went blank and I didn't listen to other words that he was saying.

No words could describe just how broken my heart got upon hearing it. Boss seemed to notice my state as he waved his hands in front of my eyes, he probably noticed the blank stare;

"Bon, I want you to visit her right now and make sure you're counting with everything that might come with a critical conditition as hers." he said as he clasped my shoulders tightly while not saying, but commanding me to do that.

I knew he was right, I knew some part of me was aware that this day would come, but I've always hoped for some miracle. Heaven has no favorites after all..


After I arrived to the hospital, I was already known there. Nurses recognized me just by a look.

"Hello, Bon-Gi~" said one of the nurses that were passing by, "Hi.." I said with a smile as I turned to receptionist.

The receptionist was a middle-aged man who was working there with disabled legs - it was the only position he was able to get there, "Hello, sir.. May you do me a favor?" I asked whilst leaning towards him.

He leaned a bit towards me, probably taking a hint I wanted something serious, "Could you forbid my sister from undergoing a transplant surgery? She will surely want to be a donor for our mother, but I don't want her to do that.." I said with a sigh.

He looked at me, understanding my request as he nodded his head, "Okay, you'll have to sign papers that I'll be printing you now." he said as he printed a contract that read 'people refrained from surgeries'. As soon as he handed me the contract, I didn't hesitate to sign it.

I noticed he was wearing a sad smile. He was probably aware of my situation, this whole hospital was full of gossips in the end.

"Thank you." I said with a faint smile as I grabbed my purse and was about to leave, but he stopped me, "Miss.. there is something you should know.." he said which made me stop in my tracks as I looked at him, "Yes?" I said, bracing myself for this shot in my heart that was about to come, "Your father is visiting her at the moment." he said and as soon as he finished, I felt my heart miss a beat.

He came to visit? Then that must mean....

I wasted no time as I started to run with full speed to my mother's room. Please, be alright!

I barged into the room with such a loud bang, and as soon as I saw my father sitting by my mother's side, I felt my blood boil. My mom was crying in her bed while my dad was wearing a sad smile.

Their attention turned towards me as soon as they noticed the entrance. I wasted no time as I started to made my way toward my dad, "Leave in this instant or I'm calling the police!" I said aggressively.

"Bon.. calm down, sweetie.." he said with a hushed voice, "What did you say to make her cry!? Leave before I really call the police! Can't you see she's in a critical conditition!? Do you think your appearance here was really suitable at this moment!?" I started to push him away, far from mom.

I have never felt such an anger until I saw my father. Although, I was interrupted by mother's weak voice, "Honey, wait a second.." she said which made me turn at her, "But mom! You're in no conditition to be talking with him!" I shouted a lot louder than intended, "I know, honey, but listen.. Your father has come here to tell me that he started the alcohol treatment ever since you and Yuna have left.. And that he's successfully 3 years without alcohol.. He's already found a job in a JYP entertainment, where Yuna is, as a graphic designer and he's ready to take care of you both.. Isn't that great?" she said whilst crying again.

I looked at my father in disgust, "What kind of bullsh*t is that? You would have come a lot earlier if that was the case! You're such a liar! I hate you!" I shouted which made him nod.

"I know.. And I didn't expect any different reaction. I know I've been a horrible father to you and Yuna, but believe it or not, I'm ready to make it right again.." he said with a quivering lips.

I snickered, "You're amazing actor, you know that?.." he started to search for something, but I could see nurses in the background, looking from the hallway, "Is everything alright? Should we call the police?" asked one of them, "No, but could you call to my workplace? To Mr. Bang please.." I said.

I guess it's time for my dad to see something.

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