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Bon-Gi's P. O. V:

I was 12 minutes than even though I probably broke many laws in the traffic, but today, I couldn't care less. It was my sister's performance and I had to be there at all costs!

Once I ran inside, I noticed Yuna on the stage, already being on the stage in her dancing position while looking in the crowd - searching for me. She was wearing a sad expression and I knew what it meant. She thought I didn't make it..

I tried my best to come to her field of vision, and I luckily managed to get to the front row. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, only to see 6 missed calls from her. She must have been so sad about me not being here.

"Yunie! Smile, pabo!" I shouted which made her shot her head towards the source of sound - me.

As soon as she noticed me, her face lit up as she smiled so brightly it probably made everyone fall in love with her in the hall.

"You made it.." I could see the glittering eyes thanks to the tears that were about to spill from happiness.

Seeing her being so happy to see me, made my heart warm up in an instant. I truly felt needed thanks to her..

The song started and she started to dance along with her group members. It wasn't a debut, but just a trainee performance being broadcasted live. Throughout the whole performance, I was recording her on my phone with a proud smile while I felt tears spilling from my eyes.

She was finally smiling whole-heartedly whilst doing something she loved. I was so happy that my sister was living her dream.

As soon as her performance ended, I was the first one to evoke the roar of applause while screaming at the top of my lungs.

That's my sister, everyone.

She went backstage while I was crying my eyes out; I was so happy that I made it and could make this as an everlasting memory which I would save everywhere. I'll always remember her passionate dance and singing. Her smile reminded me of the reason why I was still here, fighting for her.

"Omo.. Are you crying?" said Yuna with a pat on my back which made me look at her. I nodded while taking tissues from my pocket, "You were gorgeous!" I said with a pride smile which made her grin, "I'm so happy you could come! I was afraid you would miss it.." she sighed out of relief, "I nearly did to be honest.. But luckily the boys are very nice to me and they covered for me at work. I tried my best to talk to the boss, but he was in a bad mood so he didn't allow me to slip.." I confessed which made her widen her eyes, "He doesn't know you're here!?" she freaked out which made me nod with a mischiveous smile on my face.

"You shouldn't have ditched work because of me!" she said with an annoyed tone, "How could I even? You come first before my work!" I felt myself sadden, "You shouldn't have! You've just ruined it!" she was now fuming angrily which made me surprised, "Calm down.. I thought you would be happy if I would show up.." I said with tight feeling in my chest, "You know.. How could I actually?.. You were never there for me for the most of my life! Even my members spend a lot more time with me than you ever did!" and as she kept shouting at me, I noticed the camera was pointed at us.

I felt myself freeze in an instant upon realizing that we were the center of attention, "Yunie.. I know you're mad, but we're being broadcasted right now and we should leave.." I signed at her but she only rolled her eyes and shoved me away whilst stomping away.

I felt everyone's judging look which made me want to bury myself.

Yuna, what kind of position did you put me in?..

I felt my phone vibrate to reveal Taehyung's number. I accepted it while turning my back at the camera;

"Ne, Tae..?" I said with a defeated voice.

"Noona, walk outside where the van is waiting for you." he said with a hasty voice which made me head there.

I had nothing to lose anyways.

As soon as I got outside, I noticed the black van parked right in front of the entrance. Before I stepped in, I glanced back to see if I could spot Yuna, and I did, however, she didn't even spare me a glance. I didn't care though, I waved at her anyway while getting inside the car.

When the door opened, I was greeted by Tae inside. The driver was no one else than BangPD himself which was the cherry on top. Totally didn't need his scolding now..

"Hello.." I said with a low voice.

Tae snuggled towards me as he hugged me. He probably saw the live broadcast.

"Care to tell me what this was about?" he said firmly which made me internally sigh, "I'm really sorry, sir.." I said while casting my eyes down.

"I don't think she needs the scolding after such a public embarrassement, boss." said Tae with a calm tone while backing up for me.

BangPD snickered, "Scolding? I knew she was going to disobey." he laughed to himself which made me surprised, "You knew?" I looked at him. He nodded, "I know you long enough, Bon." he said as he focused on the driving.

"Although...", he continued, "I was surprised of your sister's behavior. Why did she humiliate you like this in public?" he sighed, "Well.. She wasn't wrong.. I really rarely see her.." I said with a sad smile, "And what the hell are you supposed to do when you're paying for everything?" he shrugged his shoulders whilst shaking his head.

I felt Tae's eyes on me now. He was probably curious about my background now, but I didn't want him to know. At least not now..

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