I walked along the train tracks as I usually do when I need to think. I lived on the poor side of town and things weren’t good at home. My dad lost his job and hasn’t been able to hold one down since. My mother goes out at night and I know what she does. She offers her body for money to help keep me alive and she keeps it a secret from my father…I do as well. My dad wants me to drop out of school and get a job but…I’m not gonna do it. I don’t want to be like him or my mother.
The evening train whistle interrupted my thoughts and I looked back as I saw the light getting closer. I stepped off the tracks and the train whizzed by.
“Well…time to head home.” I said and waited for the end of the train. When the train was out of sight I got back on the tracks and walked home to the shack that I lived in. I walked for thirty minutes and I got to the slum that I lived in and I looked at the tracks and the part of town that lied behind it.
The middle class and rich people live on the other side of the tracks and I consider it a blessing that my relatives on that side are paying for me to go to a private school on there side instead of me going to one of the gang riddled schools here. My first day was tomorrow and I would be living with my grandmother. I am both exited and sad.I’m exited because I get to live with my grandmother who I love spending time with and that I’m going to leave this place. But I’m sad because I’m going to be leaving my mother.
My grandmother and my other relatives have offered my father countless times for the three of us to live with him but he says no every time. He thinks he can provide for my mother and I by himself but he can’t. He gave in though when it came to school and academics…and thats a reason he doesn’t want me to go to school. He hates asking for help or receiving it.
I walked into the house and saw my dad passed out on the couch and my mother coming out of the room the three of us shared.
“Lilly I’m going out.” I felt a pain in my chest. I knew what that meant. She doesn’t know that I have figured out what she does. I put on a fake smile.
“Ok mom. Love you.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left and the fake smile shattered and I ran into the room. I flopped on my mattress and I cried. I couldn’t wait to leave tomorrow and put this behind me. I looked over at my bags and I put my head down after a minute…and went to sleep.
I woke up to my dad shaking me.
“Lilly time to wake up. Your Grandmother will be here soon.” I sat up and stretched. I looked at y dad as I stood up and he looked sad. I walked over to my bags and I saw my dad leave the room as I grabbed them. I walked out and I heard my grandmothers car horn and my mom and dad looked at me. I say goodbye to them with my dad lingering on the hug I gave him and I went outside.
“Ready to go Lilly?” My grandmother asked and I smiled.
“I am.” I put my bags in the back and got in the front seat. My parents came out and watched as we drove off with them waving goodbye…and I think i saw tears in there eyes.
My grandmother drove for ten minutes before we arrived at her house. I got out and went in and I was greeted by getting hissed at by her cat. The cat never really liked me. I went to the room that I used to stay in when I came over here on weekends, set my bags down and left my room and headed towards the back door.
“Lilly where are you going?” I heard my grandmother ask and I looked back at her.
“To the tracks.” She nodded and went into the kitchen to answer the phone. I ran out the back door and I saw the tracks just behind her fence. I smiled, ran and climbed over the fence and started walking down the tracks and listened to the sounds that came from the trees.
I always felt at home when I walked down these tracks. I had memorized when the trains would go by so I could get off the tracks. After a couple hours I climbed over the fence to my grandmothers yard and went inside.
“Hey slut long time no see.” I froze as I closed the door. I recognized that voice. I slowly turned around and saw my cousin, Matt. My grandmother then came in and smacked the back of his head.
“I told you to not call her that!” I mouthed thank you to her and she nodded then looked at him.
“and I didn’t say that you could come over. I told you no on the phone because I knew you would be horrible to her. Now get out!” She yelled and Matt glared at me and left. I then slide down the backdoor and curled up.
“Lilly…are you ok?” I looked at her, smiled and nodded and she smiled back.
“Good now lets go we have to go get your school uniform.” I nodded, stood up and we got in the car and left.
“That Matthew. The nerve of that boy. calling my granddaughter a slut. I’ll tan his hide the next time I see him!” She sighed and looked at me then back at the road,”Are you nervous?” I nodded.
“Don’t be. It’s a good school. Expensive though but a really good school.” I smiled slightly. The only schools I’ve gone to where the ones in the slums. I learned nothing when I went everyday. I basically had to teach myself to do everything.
“At least there I’ll actually be able to learn.” We both laughed slightly and arrived at the school.
“Now we’ll get you registered, get everything you’ll need, get your uniform and you’ll be set.” We then got out.
Tomorrow I will leave behind the old Lilly…and welcome the new.

Across the Railroad Tracks
Teen FictionMy names Lilly Collins. I live in the poor part of my town in a shack that I live in with me mother and father. But my life changes when I go across the railroad tracks.