*a few days later*
I looked through my closet and I couldn’t find any other dress except for the dress I wore on my date with Riley. I decided to go with it and after getting ready I knocked on my grandmas door to see if she was ready.
“Come on grandma are you done yet?” I asked through the door.
“I just finished getting ready. go wait in the car I’ll be there in a minute.” I heard her say. I sighed and went out to the car. I got in and I rested my head in my hand. After a few minutes I began tapping my foot.
“What’s taking her so long? She doesn’t take this long when she gets ready for work!” Right after I said that I saw her come out of the house and lock the door behind her. She went as fast as she could in heels towards the car and almost tripped halfway to the car. She got in and I sighed in relief.
“Finally. We’re late so just pull out and I’ll tell you where to go.” I said and after she got confused a few times my eye started to twitch. We finally got to Riley’s house and we got out.
“Ten minutes late! This is embarrassing.” I said and I heard my grandma sigh.
“I know you can’t stand to be late for anything but calm down. it’s not like we’re an hour late.” She said as we got to the door. I knocked and after a few minutes the door opened. Noah was standing there in a suit and I smiled.
“Hey Noah sorry we’re late…my grandma got lost.” I said and when I looked at my grandma I saw her shrug. I looked back at Noah and he had a smile on his face.
“It’s fine. Come in. You two look beautiful by the way.” Noah said and We smiled. We walked past him and saw Mason, Riley, there mom and there dad sitting at the dinning table after we walked into the dining room. I took a seat next to Riley and my grandma to a seat across from Riley’s dad. Noah took his seat next to me and after my grandma and I said hi to Rileys dad we started to put our plates together.
“So Mr.Jones…I understand that you’re the heartless monster in charge of the railroad project that will destroy every memory dear and near to my heart and that will crush my granddaughters heart into smithereens and obliterate her soul.” My grandma said after a few minutes of silence.
“Excuse me Mrs.Summers?” Riley’s dad asked in confusion.
“You heard me Mr.Jones.”My grandma said with a blank expression on her face. I laughed slightly in embarrassment then looked at my food.
“I see Mrs.Summers that you, your granddaughter and I will have a discussion after dinner.” He said after a minute.
“So changing the subject so that it doesn’t get violent…how are you getting used to life at your new school Lilly?” Riley's mom asked and I smiled.
“Just fine Mrs.Jones. Riley and Jane have both been a lot of help. It also helps that I see them after school a lot.” I said and looked at Riley with a smile on my face, he looked at me and smiled back. I then looked at my plate.
“How long is your deadbeat of a father going to be in prison for beating your whore of a mother?” Mr.Jones asked and I froze. I felt the air rush out of my lungs.
“Richard!?” I heard Mrs.Jones say in a disgusted and angry tone. I dropped my fork and stayed there frozen. I felt a tear come to my eye.
“Dad that was extremely uncalled for!” I heard Riley yell and I heard Mason and Noah say something along the lines of what Riley said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I exhaled quietly and slowly then held my head as I felt my head pound slightly. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Riley’s dad.
“Well Mr.Jones it seems like I know what type of man you are. A unfeeling coward who will exploit any weak point you can find. I know that you’re trying to break me but that won’t work. Exploit my weak points all you want…but you won’t break me easily. I’m not some business woman or businessmen that you can manipulate just to get you farther in life.” I said in a stern tone. He looked down at his food and I looked at my food as well. After dinner my grandmother, Mr.Jones and I went into the living room. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Riley, his siblings and Mrs.Jones, hiding and watching from the other room. I then looked at Mr.Jones and crossed my legs.
“So…let’s get down to business.” I said and Mr.Jones cleared his throat.
“So Mrs.Summers and Ms.Collins. I understand that you two have…problems…with the railway project and I correct?” He asked.
“That is correct.” My grandma said and he sighed.
“Would you two mind explaining why I should call off the project? Then will you allow me to give my side of the story?”
“I think that’s fair.” I said.
“Let me begin by saying that the main reason for me is the tree house that will be torn down with most of the forest. That treehouse holds a lot of memories in my family. My husband made it when he was alive and my daughter used it when she was growing up. It holds a lot of precious memories. I also have some memories of my daughter playing in the woods around that tree.” My grandma explained. Mr.Jones kept an emotionless expression.
“The forest that you will destroy also is home to a lot of wildlife.” I began, “I use the tree house and so does the wildlife there. Whenever their nests or homes get destroyed they live in the treehouse. I use it and I’ve become friends, you could say, with all the wildlife. I even let a homeless man use it as a home when I’m not using it. You see…you’ll be taking away a home for a lot of living things if you do this.” I said and Mr.Jones laughed slightly.
“Are you two hippies done?” He said and I looked at him in anger.
“Hippies!?” My grandmother yelled.
“Listen. This is business. The route that those trains take is too long and is cutting profit. Tearing down part of that filthy forest and making a shortcut will increase production and profit. I don’t care about any of those idiotic animals or that useless bum. They can die for all I care. Business is business…and making money is a key part of that.” He said and I felt my blood start to boil.
“You two hippies can go back to the sixties and go get high now. So just let it go.” I felt like I was going to explode.
“Ok dad that is enough!” I heard Riley yell. I looked at him and he looked furious.
“Have you no heart at all? These women are trying to protect the memories that are important to them. I remember when you actually cared about people and not about making money. What the hell happened to you?” Riley asked as I tried to calm down.
“What happened to me is that I realized all that matters in this world is money. This harpy has brainwashed you. I would prefer that you don’t talk to someone so…weird. You deserve someone better.” Riley’s dad said and his tone started to rise.
“Richard that is no way to treat a lovely girl like Lilly! That is no was to treat guests either!” Mrs.Jones yelled. I looked at my grandmother and she looked very angry.
“Lilly there is no way to convince this monster. Let’s go!” My grandma said in a frustrated tone. I looked at Riley and left with my grandma.
It was a silent drive back home…with an angry atmosphere present in the car.
I'm Sorry for not updating this on Christmas like I said I would! Family sucks sometimes -_-
Anyway expect a lot of updates over the next few days. I'm going back to school in a few days so...yeah. Also I need to make up for not updating :P See ya!

Across the Railroad Tracks
Teen FictionMy names Lilly Collins. I live in the poor part of my town in a shack that I live in with me mother and father. But my life changes when I go across the railroad tracks.