“That was your cousin? He was kinda cute…” Jane said and I cringed. My grandma sighed.
“Trust me you’ll just be a toy for him. Now do whatever you want I’m making cookies. I’ll come get you three when they are done.” My grandma said as she walked into the kitchen.
‘You guys go to my room I’ll be there in a sec.” I said and they nodded. When they turned the corner I walked into the bathroom, took out the migraine medicine and took a couple pills…I then took two more. I put them back, walked out and into the kitchen, took three cokes from the fridge and ran to my room. When I got in there I saw Jane and my grandma’s cat staring each other down.
“Jane why are you and Lulu having a stare down?” I asked as I threw Riley his coke and held out Jane’s and she took it without taking her eyes off the cat.
“She looked at me like ‘Who the hell is this!?’ and then this happened.” I laughed slightly and looked at Riley. He was staring at the porcelain dolls that my grandma keeps in my room. They honestly creep me out at night.
“These dolls are creepy! I feel like they’re staring into my soul!” He yelled and made the cross sign with his fingers and I held back a laugh. I then looked at Jane and she was still having a stare down with Lulu. A idea came to mind and a smirk grew on my face. I sneaked up behind Lulu and I started barking like a dog. She jumped and scrambled around. She got off the bed eventually, ran into the wall then ran out of the room as my grandma came in.
“No scaring Lulu you know this Lillian.” I sighed and grabbed a cookie off the plate she was carrying.
“Sorry, Lulu and Jane were having a stare down so I wanted it to end.” She rolled her eyes and looked over my shoulder at Riley.
“Riley they won’t come alive and murder you. Keep calm and just eat the cookies.” With that she set the plate down and left. I closed the door and sat down on the bed and grabbed another cookie.
“Yes I won!” Jane finally said and I laughed slightly.
“Because Lil helped you so it doesn’t count.” Riley said as he took a sip of his coke. Jane crossed her arms and pouted and I rolled my eyes.
“Well Jane is clearly the drama queen of the group.” I said as I put the bottle to my lips and started drinking.
“Hey I can’t help it! I-“ I stopped her by stuffing a cookie in her face as I continued to drink and I looked at the two of them out of the corner of my eye.
“Uh…ok then. You just shoved a cookie in her mouth without looking…” I finished my coke after Riley finished and I threw it in the waste basket next to my desk. I laid back and stared at the ceiling.
“Never…shove…a cookie…into my mouth…ever again.” I heard Jane say. She must have finally swallowed it.
“I will do it if you ever start whining again.” I glanced at her and she was pouting.
“Don’t make me do it again missy.” I said and pointed at her. She rolled her eyes and I poked her stomach.
“No!” She yelled and poked me back. I closed my eyes. The migraine pills were kicking in. I drifted off to sleep.
In my dream I was by the tracks in front of the tree house. The cool wind blowing my hair behind me. The sky was blue and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. I looked behind me and saw Riley and Jane smiling at me. The sounds of nature disappeared and I heard the sound of and engine. Riley and Jane ran off after glaring at me. I looked back at the tree and saw a bull dozer about to topple it down. I quickly ran and stood in front of the machine as it got closer. Before it could make contact with me my eyes snapped open.

Across the Railroad Tracks
Teen FictionMy names Lilly Collins. I live in the poor part of my town in a shack that I live in with me mother and father. But my life changes when I go across the railroad tracks.