I waved at Jane and her sisters as they left. Right when they left my grandma pulled in. She got out and she looked furious. She came up the stairs with a stern look on her face.
“I can’t believe those idiots won’t change there minds.” I heard her mumble. I raised an eye brow and followed her into the house. I sat down on the couch and watched my grandma pace around.
“I can’t believe them. I’m a very well respected person in the community. I donate tons of money to wildlife charity’s and a lot of others. All of there kids got into school because I did them each a favor. I threatened to expel there kids when all else failed. Even that did nothing! I even served as the comities chairmen…or chairwoman in this case. My husband, may he rest in peace, served and gave his life for the people of this community!” She ranted while passing and flailing her arms wildly.
“Uh…grandma…you’re going to make a hole in the floor.” I said but it didn’t look like she listened.
“They have the nerve to destroy something precious to me and my granddaughter! It’s even a home to a hobo that goes through my trash at night and that my granddaughter takes care of on occasion! They are just a bunch of heartless people!” She said and I walked away and into my room. I closed the door, grabbed a piece of paper and pencil.
“Well…looks like we’ll be doing things the Lilly Collins way.” I said an grabbed my clipboard, then I got to work.
When I met Jane and Riley in front of the school before they could say anything I shoved a clipboard into there stomachs.
“Petitions. Lets get to work while we can.” I said and walked off. After twenty minutes of running around we each got twenty signatures. I sighed and grabbed the clipboards from Jane and Riley.
“Is this about the tree?” Riley asked as we walked into the school I nodded. I moved a strand of hair out of my face.
“It’s a part of my family’s history and I want to save it along with the rest of the forest.” I said as we walked into our first class. We took our seats and I felt like I was being stared at. I looked over my shoulder and saw a guy looking at me. I looked forward as the bell rang. Professor Rainen came in holding her head.
“Ok class I don’t feel too well at the moment so talk among yourselves till I get back.” She said and walked out. When the for closed Riley leaned over.
“Hey Lil…do you want to go out tonight?” I looked at Riley and thought it as I took my hair out of a ponytail and fixed it.
“Sure, it sounds fun.” I said with a smile and finished fixing my hair. I saw a big smile appear on his face. I looked over at Jane and saw that she was already passed out. I sighed.
“Why does she pass out so easily in this class?” I asked as I stared at the sleeping Jane.
“I don’t know…she just does. But when she does the only thing that can wake her up is the bell or what Rainen usually does to wake everyone up. Then she’s awake for the rest of the day. She also has an A in the class for some reason. I think it’s because she still listens to Rainen’s lessons and they somehow wonder into her dreams.” Riley said and I looked over at him.
“Jane is a strange girl…but that’s why we hang out with her.” I said as I saw Rainen walk in when I looked back at Jane. Everyone quieted down and went silent as Rainen sat down at her desk.
“I’m sorry class but I’m not going to be able to teach at the moment. My head is killing me and I couldn’t find you a substitute. There will be a study hall for the rest of the class period. If you do talk please talk quietly.” She said and rested her head on her desk. The rest of the class period was quiet with a few whispers around the room every two minutes.When the bell rang Jane shot up along with the others that fell asleep. After leaving the class room quietly and after I taped a sign to Rainen’s door the three of us went upstairs. We went throughout most of the day going through the routine until lunchtime. When the bell rang for our lunch period the three of us ran out.
“Hurry up Jane! All the good food will be gone!” I yelled as Jane trailed behind.
“I hate running!” I heard her yell as she caught up to us. We then saw one of the Vice principles. We slowed down and after she was out of sight we ran to the lunch room. After getting our food and sitting down Riley started to eat as Jane and I stared at our food.
“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you two eating?” Riley asked as he took a bite out of his Salad. I looked back at my plate. Today…it looked like clay older into food.
“It looks like clay.” I said and pointed to it. Jane picked up her role and hit it on the table.
“My roll’s frozen solid.” Jane said as she dropped it onto her tray. I sighed.
“Don’t worry…I’ll try to make something at my house.” I said and after talking for a while the bell rang for gym. Gym was torture for Jane and I. We were both starving and our stomachs were in slight pain during our last class of the day. I rode with Jane since Riley had to go home.
“So why did Riley go home?” Jane asked as she pulled out of the school parking lot.
“Him and I have a date tonight.” I said as I took my hair out of a ponytail. She looked at me then at the road.”
“Well…looks like you and I will be busy.” She said.
“Why?” I asked with a worried tone in my voice.
“Because the first date is important. It will determine if the relationship will sail on for bountiful waters of love…or catch on fire and sinks into the abyss of broken hearts. Along with you two never speaking to each other and I would have to pick sides.” She said as she took a turn away from my house.
“Time to go shopping.” She said and I gulped in nervousness.

Across the Railroad Tracks
Teen FictionMy names Lilly Collins. I live in the poor part of my town in a shack that I live in with me mother and father. But my life changes when I go across the railroad tracks.