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I was hit by a gust of wind as soon as I exited the hospital. I hadn't expected it to be this cold, and the t-shirt I was wearing did little to keep me warm. The loud blaring of Xavier's car caused my face to turn a scowl. It was frustrating enough to have a broken arm but driving back to school with Xavier was even more frustrating. His eyes were trained on me and if I didn't know how much of a douche Xavier was, I would have thought he was the most stunning guy I ever laid my eyes on. His deep brown eyes seemed to almost glisten despite the continuous scowl that was embellished on his beautifully tanned face. Xavier, like Sebastian held himself powerfully, which only a few boys could do, he demanded attention and respect wherever he went. 

I had to once again remind myself that Xavier West and Sebastian King are dangerous men and if they wanted, they could destroy my whole world with a snap of their perfect fingers. Pulling open the door to his car, I refused to acknowledge the sudden darkening in the mood. Surely, Xavier West was pissed, when was he never. But this time it seemed he had caught on to my detached almost fearful stance. Letting out a slow controlled breath, I tried to losen up and give the impression otherwise.  However, the fact that my fall was not entirely accidentally flashed in my mind. During the incident I had no time to fully comprehend what had happened, but the more I though about it the more sinister my mind painted Xavier's actions.

"Ella" I jerked, suddenly pushing myself away from Xavier. Whose eyes scrunched in confusion, we both seemed to have frozen until Xavier turned away pulling the door open, exiting sharply. He seemed offended at how I had reacted and I couldn't blame him. 

"Fuck" I hissed from the sharp pain in my arm. Grunting in anger I pushed the door open with my good hand, hoping not to bump into anyone. The last thing I wanted was for someone to get on my nerve.

"Eleanor dear" My body froze, shoulders dropping in defeat as I watched Mrs. Watson swing her way past students. Her eyes were hooked to me as she seemed determined to get to me, besides her Xavier walked with a scowl on his face. He too was caught by her.

"oh dear that looks so rough. Dear are you ok..."

"Im not suing the school Mrs. Watson..." I snapped. Mrs Watson's face opened and shut like a fish as she stared at me astonished.

"May I be excused.."

"of...of course dear. Xavier please escort Eleanor to her dorm." Xavier growled lowly muttering a few French curse under his breath before nodding. He seemed to stride past both of us not turning back once-as I followed behind helplessly. 

"You were afraid" Xavier refused to turn around. His assertion came as a surprise to me and I hesitated to respond. At first I wanted to deny the statement out right. Unable to find a coherent answer I paused, my dorm was a few doors away and all I wanted to do was lay on my bed, away from everyone. I opened my door, trying my best to ignore his presence, the keys in my hand suddenly started shaking and as I looked down, I realised it was me. My hands were shaking and suddenly it become hard for me to breath. Xavier seemed to have jumped back afraid that he was the cause.

"I....I" the words were hard to form and I knew it was a panic attack. An overwhelming feeling of nausea settled in as I felt disoriented.

"Hey Ella, look at me" warm, gentle hands on my face brought my attention back to Xaviers face. His expression was soft as he stoked my face.

" focus on your breathing ok. Come on you got this.... I got you okay." I nodded as I inhaled and exhaled slowly.

" there's... there's medicine in my bathroom..."  Xavier didn't let me finish as he rushed into my bathroom. I pushed myself towards my bed, focusing on my breathing.

"Here" Xavier handed me the tablet carefully, watching me softly, as I swallowed the medicine  . I wanted to tell him to leave but the exhaustion and pain didn't allow me to utter a word. I thought about what will happen next, would he tell Sebastian in an attempt to sabotage me. The thought alone caused me to feel anxious. 

" Im not telling anyone Ella. Im not a fucking psychopath." Xavier snapped but soon regretted his tone as his expression once again softened. I crawled under my duvet in an attempt to distance myself from Xavier.

"Im sorry" Xavier muttered after long silence. I didn't react as I waited until he had left the room. but the thing was Xavier never left not until he was sure I was fast asleep.


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