A quite absurd dream I must say, but it was enough to keep me asleep. I mean... Chess world? That's a stupid world anyone would live in.Atasei woke on her comfy bed with her torso buried in a soft blanket. This bed looked quite familiar she thought, pulling away from the wrinkled blanket. A pleasant and delightful scent came from behind her wooden oak door on the other side. She sniffed once and once more as she got close enough to the door, turning the knob.
Atasei heard a quiet sizzle underneath the tile stairs where the kitchen was. And there was that human, her mother, stir-frying an inviting meal for the morning. Why is my mother here? Didn't she move to Shinjuku? "Good morning, Dear." Her mother wore a broad smile on her face and placed the dish on the dinner table. This dish was her own recipe for her husband and daughter. Only the daughter now, to be exact. "How was Shinjuku?!" Atasei exclaimed as she was going down the stairs. The woman spun her head to her young daughter and gave a puzzled look. "It's not far, but I've never been there. What do you mean?" Her mother looked less wrinkled and her face was as smooth as a newborn baby's cute, tiny fingers. Her mother always took care of her skin at the time she was able to take care of herself to now. Atasei noticed the slight change her mother had as the years had gone by, so why do her mother's looks seem to have reversed? Atasei shook her head "Nevermind, just a joke." And devoured her mother's fantastically delicious meal. "Don't eat your meal that quickly, Love." Her mother, Enja Choi reached to the highest shelf of the cupboard to set her washed and dried dishes. "But then again, I know you love my food and you're going to school soon." Atasei spat the delicious food that she didn't want to spit out but had to because she was stupefied.
Atasei's face pruned in confusion and blurted a question of hesitation about this whole questionable change in her life. "What? I have school?"
Enja Choi sighed and swung the other direction to her daughter, leaning back on the counter. "What? Is there an issue at school?" Atasei invisibly sewed her mouth shut and nervously chuckled, shaking her head. Enja scoffed, turning back around, setting the antiques on the corner of the counter. "I swear to goodness, you're sixteen and you've got a boyfriend. That didn't change you at all, huh?"Oh, Seiji?
Atasei understood it all now. Well, kind of. God-knows-what took her back to the past for no absolute reason. But she didn't know the reason why. It's just taking her back to the past right? Nothing else? Chess World didn't matter... That sounds like some big store only nerdy kids would collect their action figures and challenge other nerdy kids... Queen Likaera didn't exist---
Naoharu didn't exist, right?
ParanormalA woman who transfers into an uncanny universe that forces her into a different dimension where time and place... is different. Games seem to be the only thing that mattered to most people she met in the world. She has the same family members and id...