Chapter 7: Gratitude

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Her complete focus was in space and all of it ended with a tiny tear. "I'll go now, Mom." She snatched her backpack relaxing on the chair right beside her and dashed outside to the nearest crosswalk. She remembered always walking with Seiji to school but then she noticed that this time was five minutes late to the place where they would always meet. Her phone was also nowhere to be found so she didn't know what he texted her when he didn't find her. Her face low on the paved road, walking along the edge, she stumbled upon a guy one year older than her and an older woman by his side. They looked familiar-- they even smiled at her.

Naoharu was carrying five seven-foot-long planks on his spine. It was reasonable for him to not smile at her but he wore the tiniest grin and that was enough to brighten her day. Now even though seeing those two meant Chess World was real, Atasei didn't seem to mind--actually, she was much happier than she was just seconds ago. "Queen-" Likaera interrupted Atasei, "Call me Mrs. Yamamoto, that's my real surname," Likaera joined beside Atasei, "Even though Chess World currently exists, people must remain their identity a secret. Humans are afraid of Chess Pieces-- Dark or Light, they don't know the difference."
Atasei gestured at Naoharu and questioned Likaera why Naoharu was holding five planks on his back. "Haru has an interest in helping others without the request of a reward. We were going to drop this off to a man who had lost his home due to an ambush of the Dark Pieces."

Dark Pieces?

Likaera grappled the five planks one-by-one to stabilize her grip and held them with ease by her chest. "You two go on and appoint with Sir Shuu. I'll drop this off to the poor man." Atasei was dumbfounded of how strong Likaera was but she was also stunned by Likaera's kindess as a queen. Many queens on T.V. based on what Atasei had seen were vulnerable weaklings that only looked intimidating because they were overbearing and loudmouthed---a personality that Likaera never had. Naoharu and Atasei squirmed their way out of the astounded crowds that saw Likaera's ability to carry something one strong man can't surpass.

Atasei kept in mind that she had school but she already had a seed planted on her brain that the school is the least she could worry about in this potentially dangerous world.
The teens strutted through the humongous glass buildings, Atasei firing up a conversation. "How did Miss Yamamoto become queen? How strong is she really?"
Naoharu replied, "Mrs. Yamamoto is strong, but she isn't the strongest. A couple of Light Pieces have a higher rank than her but she's a Queen P4. Stronger than many Pieces,"
He puffed in perturbation. "I'm just anxious that she'll explode once again if another subject abandons her. She was elected to be the queen because of the many Pieces who love her but no matter how many Pieces love her, the subjects are the ones she has her eyes on like a mother cheetah watching her children.  One thing for sure, you don't even have to be the strongest of all in order to be loyalty. You just need leadership, charisma, and a big heart to protect your people. Being strong is only a small part of it."
Atasei sympathized with Likaera. She thought people like the strong, perfect woman, Likaera wouldn't have any issues of her own. "Does she have any children of her own?" Atasei asked. Naoharu seemed to bother with the question Atasei asked, "That doesn't matter--- How was your life for you in the other universe?"

Atasei stepped one foot away from Naoharu, distancing herself but still replied. "I had a husband and his name was Seiji Saiko. He was a complete..." Atatsei didn't want to throw Seiji under the bus and talk smack about him but after all he'd done to her, there was no going back now, she continued, "-Douche... I remembered dating him when I was sixteen." Talking about the past felt weird because she was in the past, present, and future at the same time. "So does that mean you're dating him now?" Atasei nodded then Naoharu sniffed pinching his nose with his index and thumb. He tends to do this when he's nervous or feeling uneasy, tight in the chest. "Do you miss him?" He added. Atasei tilted her head left and right, "I kind of do. He makes me feel like home." She lightly punched Naoharu's well-formed arms and continued, "But you can be my mom's home cooking." The girl giggled and sighed. "It's a beautiful day." She tied her light-blue silky mane into a bun and wrapped her arm around his neck. "Yeah." He spoke in a silent voice that also meant it was an uneasy and intense situation. "Don't worry, we'll get you back home." Naoharu looked to the side, hiding the small tear that he wept, trying to reform his crumpled face and bent eyebrows.

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