Chapter 11: Chess Ring

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"Ugh, he always helps people." Another girl blurted just on the right side of the girl in the group who spoke first. The leader glared at the girl and crossed his arms. "What? We planned a hangout on Saturday and when another problem comes up--- suddenly Haru comes in for a save! And then WE end up joining HIM to save Humans, our prey." She munched her donuts. "It's like he's up in everyone's ass..."
"Erie!" The leader slammed his hands on the table in anger like a disappointed father on a dinner table. "In this group, Humans as food are not to be mentioned with!"
Naoharu had no other reaction and continued to lift noodles from his chopsticks. This table was like a whole family of people. "Just because we're on the Light Side doesn't mean we're always good--" The girl stood up from her seat, clutching her shoulder-bag close to her. "Helping other people doesn't make you look less of a true monster you are, Ru."
Erie launched her hand in front of Naoharu's meal and she spoke to the others, "I am the reason why I am who I am today," She sharply pointed just between Naoharu's eyes. "I've grown to have a bigger mouth and an empty brain because of him,"

"use your abilities to your benefit, not your temptations."

She flighted away from the table and instantly whooshed out the door. The table looking at each other. The last girl who hadn't spoken yet forced a smile and opened her mouth, "Please! Take a seat." Atasei smiled and took Erie's seat but she felt quite guilty for ruining this friendship. "I'm Aoi Kaito! Pleased to meet such a nice girl like you." Atasei blissfully smiled bowing her head. Before she could speak, she made sure to watch her mouth. "So Aoi! Wha--"

"Babe, we have to go now." The leader smoothly gripped Aoi to his chest like tango. "Ooh!-- Goodbye, Atasei, we'll see you later." She then turned around with her boyfriend before Atasei could even say goodbye herself. The others joined the couples and left out of the same door Erie exited, leaving Atasei and Naoharu alone.

Naoharu clenched his fist, his black hair lowered low into the table, his neck leveled. He was dead quiet. He sounded like a cemetery at night. Atasei leaned in closer to the table to speak to him. "Do you know where your friends are going?" She asked. Silence for a straight second, Atasei waited for an answer. She would never leave unless if she got an answer. He then spoke with a lower voice, "They're going to Chess Meets."
Atasei looked up at the door, seeing other students leaving the room out of the same door. "What's that?"
He sighed, looking up back at her. His hair is quite messy and his face gloomy and depressed. He looked exactly like Droopy the dog. "It's where Pieces either watch or compete other Pieces to rank higher than their current rank."

Atasei asked, "What's your rank anyways?" He replied, standing up. His voice sighed one last time, and it released a better tone in his voice. "I'm a Bishop P2." Atasei giggled. "No wonder you're so helpful." Naoharu flashed a tiny arch in his mouth and he then placed his right hand in his pocket. "You... wanna go watch?" He gestured. Atasei clapped her hands repeatedly and cheered with her feet hopping on the tile floor. "Yeah!"
She chained her arms with his and dragged themselves out the door.
"Oh yeah! I realize now why you called me Pawn."
Naoharu let out a tiny chuckle, "Yeah, Pawn."

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