Learning More

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As soon as the countdown finished, you rush towards Charlotte who immediately takes out her assault rifle and shoots multiple bullets at you forcing you to fly left and right trying to dodge the bullets.

'His speed is definitely impressive. He's going to get here fast.' Charlotte thought to examine your movements before taking out her SMG. 'This'll keep him on his toes for a bit.'

Charlotte starts shooting both guns at the same time while moving in the air forcing you to dodge and chase after her not being able to gain any distance. Realizing that continuing this pursuit was useless, you open up your palms towards her taking out the plasma cannons and starts firing blast after blast from each hand. These canons have a 5-second cooldown so alternating arms was the best way to go.

Charlotte caught unaware from the blasts, takes a direct hit from one of the blasts before moving sideways.

"This is just a long distance battle at this rate. It's basically who has the better aim will win." Rin said examining the battle from the side.

"If (Y/N)'s IS is a long ranged one, then why would he try to get close knowing it has a higher risk to get shot?" Ichika asks as Cecilie shakes her head.

"I think (Y/N)'s IS is different. I think it has capabilities of both far and short range."

"You would be correct." Everyone looks over to see Chifuyu examining the duel. "Though Le Pharaoh can be used for both, it's leaning towards the long distance range. I think (Y/N) realized this and is using it to assess how Charlotte would react."

"He said that he was the worst off and yet he'd tried to evaluate how Charlotte was going to fight and made it a priority so he could gain the advantage," Laura said examining the fight.

"Jeez. You're not giving a chance to get a proper shot, Charlotte!" You said before nearly dodging a shot from near the shoulder.

"Well, I have yet to hit you so you're doing better than me. You're quite fast." Charlotte said before shooting near your feet forcing you in the air causing you to be in the open for a quick shot in the chest making you a bit pale before jumping back and doesn't try to attack again before raising his hands making everyone confused.

"I give up. My shield is already almost empty and with your skills, it's almost inevitable that I'll lose." You say with a smile before deactivating your IS and drop to the ground. You had a feeling that someone was watching you as you look around to see a lot of the girls were watching the duel from the stands which definitely came as a surprise.

"Wait... How come he said that his shield was almost down? He only took one hit." Ichika questions with a bit of confusion.

"Le Pharaoh is an IS that prioritizes on the offense rather than defense. While dropping the defense aspect of it, it could be an unhittable force that can hit with a massive force with the same amount of speed." Chifuyu explains to the group. "So he could've only taken two hits from Charlotte before the shields gave out which would've ended the match."

You chuckled before wiping off cold sweat from your face. "Guess all that movement while dodging your bullets gave me quite the workout. So what did you think of my fighting?"

"Hmm." Charlotte deactivates her IS before walks towards to you. "You were honestly pretty good.  You had me on my toes for the whole time and honestly, it would have been pretty close if you continued to fight."

"Maybe. Maybe not.  You're a representative of France after all so I highly doubt that I would win. In any case. I need a shower and a nap. I'm exhausted." You said taking a seat on the floor before becoming a bit nauseous. "Oh god..."

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