A Bizarre Day

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( (F/F) = Favorite Food )

"Jeez this place is boiling." Ichika groans fanning himself with a book before hearing the doorbell ring. "Hm? Who could that be?" Ichika walks up to the door and opens it to see you standing outside a bit bent over from all the heat. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here about my payment for all that training. I demand air conditioning!" You groan out loud with Ichika being confused. "My A.C. is out right now. A mechanic is working at home with my dad watching and I don't want to stay home while it's being fixed."

"I see... Come inside then. I'll make you some tea." Ichika offers letting you inside and gets blasted with a huge amount of cold air.

"Pardon the intrusion then..." You say slowly letting the cold air cool you. "This feels amazing. I will never take A.C. for granted ever again."

Ichika simply chuckles and places a small cup of iced tea in front of you. You happily take it and downs the cup almost instantly. "So. You're going to stay here all day I presume?"

"Ya call it boss. I just want to relax a bit... If you don't mind that is." You chuckle a bit, also trying to not look like you're freeloading off the guy.

"It's fine. You've been a big help to me. The least I could do was let you relax here..." Ichika says before hearing the doorbell ring. "Who could that be?"

You didn't really pay attention to who it was as you were enjoying another cup of tea before turning over once the door closes to see Cecilia walking in.

"Oh... I had no idea you were having guests. I thought it was just going to be the two of us." Cecilia says quietly cursing at you which made you a bit pale and you look away. "Though I guess it can't be helped."

"I-I see..." You peek over again trembling a bit and sees the cake. "I presume that was meant for you and Ichika."

"You didn't have to." Ichika comments as Cecilia places the box on the coffee table before sitting next to Ichika. You scoot away from the two fearing that you're going to be shot by the English woman if you dared interfered.

'Maybe it would have been better to have just suffered at home. It honestly feels better than sitting here right now...' You think to yourself before seeing that Cecilia was about to feed Ichika a piece of the cake before the doorbell rings. "I'll get it. You two keep on doing your thing."

You make your way to the front door and opens it to see Ling, Laura, and Houki waiting patiently outside. Houki was the first one to notice this. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Charlotte says that she was going to stop by your place."

"Oh did she?" You ask looking at your phone noticing a missing phone call. "I'll give her a quick call. You guys can come inside in the meantime."

You move out the way for the girls to enter into the house and gives a call to Charlotte. A few rings and she picks up. "(Y/N)? Where are you? I came to your house and your dad said that you were gone."

"Yeah sorry. I had no idea you were coming. I didn't want to stay in a hot house. I'm currently at Ichika's house. You could come over if you want."

"Oh? Is that okay? I don't want to intrude on him." Charlotte says trying to be polite as a crash could be heard behind you making you jump a bit and turns around. "What was that?!"

"Most likely the girls... All of them came to give Ichika a little love." You joke letting out a small chuckle. "Anyway. Do you need the address or are you good?"

"I'll be fine. See you over there." The call ends with you looking back at the house before turning around outside to see Chifuyu walking towards you.

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