A Test and a Date

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The sounds of ticking could be heard as you were sitting in the empty classroom on Saturday taking your remedial exam. The exam wasn't all that difficult thanks to Charlotte who was helping you with prepare and also help you catch up in the classes. Still while the exam wasn't difficult, the hot sun was going through the window making it difficult to take the test. You look up to see Maya, your homeroom giving a motivational smile while watching over you.

'Ok... halfway done now. Just 100 more questions... Luckily the written questions are over now so the multiple choice problems are left.' You look over to the lock to see a note written over the time saying "there's still time, do you?" makes you chuckle a bit before getting back to work.

Ten minutes pass and you were struggling to get pass question 113 when you feel ready to give up due to the heat. You rest your head on the semi cool desk, sweat dripping from your face. You were ready to give up when you remember something. A promise that you made right before taking the test.


"Ooh boy. I feel ready... To some extent." You say with a sigh before getting ready to leave. "I have to do it. So I don't deal with summer school..."

"Yeah. Plus if you fail, all of our hard work for the past week would be all for nothing." Charlotte said sitting on her bed. "You got this (Y/N). I know you do."

"T-Thanks." You say with a slight blush. "And hey. If I do well, we should have a celebration together... Just the two of us since we both worked hard together."

"Hmm? Are you asking me on a date, (Y/N)?" Charlotte ask making you panic and you fumble with your words not getting anything out.

You panic for a good two minutes before taking a deep breath before letting out. "Yeah... I guess so. I'm asking you out on a date."

This was Charlotte getting flustered as her face turns red before looking away. There was an awkward silence between you two as Charlotte looks at the time. "Aah! (Y/N)! You got to hurry and go! You're going to be late!"

"R-Right! Seeya." You say before running off.


'A date... That's right! That's my motivation for doing well! All of the time we spent together studying, staying up late, I can't give up now!' You think before looking at the paper. You raised your head and examined the test almost like the heat was punching you in the face multiple times! 'Let's go!!!'

82% was in big red ink on the test as it was handed to you while you were drowning yourself in three bottles of cold water. You stare at the paper with shaking arms before couldn't help it but let out a massive yell in excitement with Maya just smiling at the scene. You immediately dashed out of the school and ran all the way towards the dorm but didn't see another person walking and slams into them forcing each other back.

"Ow ow ow. My face and my butt. Sorry. Didn't see you there." You comment while groaning as you looked at the person. "Ah!!! Houki! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you coming."

"It's... fine (Y/N). It was a corner." You get up and extend your hand towards the girl who takes it as you pull her up. "So. Why were you at a rush like that?"

"Oh nothing. Just a little something special." You smile excitedly as you show her your remedial exam. "Sweat and tears and grueling nights of hard work for this moment. Now I can just relax and stuff."

"Great job, (Y/N). You made sure that you thanked Charlotte for helping you?" Houki asks as you nod.

"I'm about to. Kinda why I was in a rush. Seeya later!" You run off leaving Houki by herself.

"He's definitely something..." Houki looks at the time. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for my meeting with Ichika."


You knock at the door and listen for anything on the other side. It's a rule you two made to make sure that running into anyone naked would not happen. "Charlotte? Ya here? I'm coming in."

You enter to see no one in the room nor the bathroom. 'Guess she's not here. First things first. I need a shower. The sweat on my clothes is already annoying as it is. But first things first, I should send the results to Charlotte.'

Soon after, you were in the shower and the hot water sprays all over you. You thought you heard a click but decided ignore the feeling to peeking out until after your shower. After drying yourself, you put on clothes on your lower body but keeping your shirt off as you exit the steamy room and felt a bit of cold air touching your bare skin. The hot shower and the stressful test back and forth while always running back to the dorms drained you and the next thing that you knew, you were asleep on your bed.

A few minutes later, you felt a small tap on your cheek which made you open your eyes to see Charlotte standing over your bed. "You really like sleeping. Everytime I take my eyes off you, somehow you can take a nap almost instantly."

"Yeah... Well you weren't here and I felt completely drained so I decided to take a little power nap." You yawn before getting up which make Charlotte and turns around. "Hmm? Charlotte? Something wrong?"

"I-It's nothing. Can you please put on a shirt? I can see your bare front." Charlotte says while her face turning red.

"Oh sure. Give me a second." You say as you quickly put on a t-shirt. "You can turn around now." Charlotte turns around. "Now. Charlotte, I don't know how to express my gratitude. You helped me out for the past week. I don't know what to say."

"Well. Just saying thank you is always a good start." Charlotte says with a bright smile on her face.

"Right. Thank you so much Charlotte! I'm really glad I had a friend like you." You say while bowing down. "How about I take you out to eat because you helped out so much? Like what we talked about this morning? You never gave me a response earlier."

"The d-d-d-d-d-date?!" Charlotte lets out as the two of them had their faces turn completely red. There was another pause before Charlotte responded with a faint reply to quiet for you to hear.

"W-What did you say?"

"Yeah. It's a date."

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