Beach Strains

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"Jeez... What's with this cooler? How much does this thing weigh?!" You mutter pulling the cooler towards the train station. It was the day that you and your friends were heading to the beach and all of you had ended up meeting in front of Ichika's house which was quite the experience in it of itself before everyone being forced to help take some stuff to the train station. The plan was to stay at the beach all day and have a barbeque for everyone so everyone had packed up food to put into the cooler. Since there were a lot of people going, the cooler was definitely heavy will the small hills were definitely a chore.

The others tried to help you and take turns but being the prideful person that you are, you refused their help and continued to pull the cooler by yourself. It wasn't until halfway to the train station before getting the brilliant idea of using parts of your IS to help you. The IS part wraps around your arm as it looks like a green scarf around your arm. After a while, you all make it on the train with no hassle and it slowly departs after a while.

It's been three days since the incident with Ryouma as it was still painfully clear in your mind. You weren't really paying attention to anything as you look outside the window thinking about it until Ichika grabs your attention.

"Hey. You've been spacing out for a while now. Is something wrong?" He gives you a look of concern as you look at him and the others.

You didn't want to concern them before shaking your head. "There's nothing wrong. I'm just a little tired is all."

"Oh? Sorry. Just couldn't sleep." Ichika asks as you nod which was definitely telling the truth but not the complete one. "Are you sure that you can carry the cooler by yourself then?"

"No need to worry Ichika. I'll be fine. Thanks though." You say with a small smile before sitting down. Ichika went to go check on the others who were all slightly worried about their friend.

After an hour of riding the train, you all make it towards the beach where it wasn't all that busy like other areas which were packed as you guys could tell from the distance. Not wanting to waste any more time for some fun, you all quickly set up a mat and beach umbrella.

You were waiting on the girls to get ready as you simply had your swimsuit under your normal clothes when you heard footsteps coming towards you and Ichika. You both look around to see all the girls in their swimsuits and it was definitely a sight for sore eyes. Sure you were going out with Charlotte but you couldn't help take a glimpse at some of the other girls but did your best not to look at them. Though the moment was cut short when Ichika turned out to be the dense person he is and not react the way that the girls wanted.

'And the dense harem protagonist strikes again... Why do those girls even like him? I'll never figure it out.' You think to yourself before looking at Charlotte who was definitely shy about wearing her swimsuit out in the public. She sees you looking over as her face flush revealing a cute expression on her face that made your heart skip a beat a little. After a bit, you had enough as you call out to the girls.

"Oi! I know that Ichika is dense as hell, but I think we should be playing instead of beating him into a bloody pulp." You joke a bit before the girls drop Ichika agreeing with you before heading towards the ocean. Seeing the girls having fun, you look at Charlotte before nodding your head over to the ocean before running in yourself and jumps straight in. She follows after splashing into the water making you move back a bit. Chuckling, you start splashing water in her direction causing her to playfully retaliate back.

"Oi! You two lovebirds should be paying attention to what's around you!" Ying exclaims taking out a massive water gun before aiming at you and Charlotte.

"What the hell?!" You exclaim trying to get out of the way.

"Why do you have to do this?" Charlotte tries to run away before seeing Houki and Lauren with water guns as well. "Eh?! Where did you get these? When did you get them?!"

"We got em at the mall the other day. Can't have a beach day without a good water fight. So we came prepared." Houki states aiming the water guns at the two. You look around for a solution before smiles as you pull Ichika who was definitely surprised by the water guns and use him as a shield from the blasts of water, though the pressure knocked both of you back.

"How come those guns are some much pressure?!" Ichika yells out in pain rubbing his face while the girls were a tad embarrassed for getting Ichika instead of you and Charlotte.

"Eugh..." You cough water out of your mouth as you were knocked into the water with Ichkia on you before looking at the girls. "Fine then. Let's play!"

Your pendant shines as you summon arm claw before swinging it while boosted with speed throwing loads of water at the girls. After desummoning it, everyone including you was all chuckling at the water fight.


"Ying!" Ichika exclaims hitting the volleyball in the air with the twin-tailed girl jumping in the air and slams it straight into the ground right next to you going in a full six inches into the ground.

"Aheh... ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" You exclaim with Ying letting out a small smug smile. On your team was you, Charlotte, and Laura facing off against Ichika, Houki, and Ying with Cecilia sitting out resting on a beach chair. You sigh before plucking the ball out of the ground before tossing it over to the net.

"It's fine, (Y/N). We'll win the next round." Charlotte says getting ready for the next serve with you and Laura getting ready.

"I have a proposal," Laura says coming over and whispering the idea to you. The plan was crazy at best but at this point, you were running out of options.

"So I got to do that? I'm not sure. Fine. Go to the back." You say before walking nearby the net and get ready in front of Houki. Charlotte looks over with a hint of interest.

"What's going on?" Charlotte asks as you look over and mouth, 'just watch.' Ying smiling that they're about to win tosses the ball in the air and serves it with Laura rushing towards the net. You groan as you turn around and get ready in position with her coming straight at you and you boost her into the air straight at the ball as Laura slams it straight into the ground...

"Hell yeah! Come back is ours!" You cheered before looking at the others. "What... What's wrong?"

"(Y/N)... Laura hit it out of bounds." Charlotte states as you give a blank expression.



Later that day, you were kinda forced into cooking food for the barbeque. After sizzling a few slices of meat, Charlotte walks up to you to see your progress.

"How's the food going?" Charlotte asks looking over.

"It's going alright from what I can tell. Making sure that none of the stuff burns or gets too overcooked." You say with a chuckle. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah. It was fun coming with everyone. It's something that I never really did. What about you?"

"It was fun. It's something that I rarely get to do. So I try my best to enjoy it as much as possible." You say somewhat thinking back to what happened a few days ago. "I should really get back to looking at the food. I'm not really great at this type of thing. So sorry in advance." You say before going back into watching over the food. There was a small pause before Charlotte catches your attention again. "What's up?"

"Is there something wrong? You've been acting like something is on your mind all day. I could tell... Is it Ryoma?" Charlotte says which came as a definite surprise for you. It was kinda obvious that the others would figure it out that it was still troubling you.

"I... It's hard not to think about it. I'm doing my best not to think about it. You don't have to worry about me. Trust me." You lie through your teeth before continue to work on the food as Charlotte goes out of your vision. Thinking that she's gone, you drop your guard a bit while transferring the food onto a tray with your right arm shaking. You use your left arm to hold it still while letting out a cold sweat before feeling something wrapping you around from behind. You were a bit hesitant about the feeling before turning your head around to see Charlotte with her arms around your waist.

"You can rely on me when you need it. If it's troubling you, you can rely on your friends. You can rely on me." Charlotte whispers to you. You couldn't help but tear up a bit before looking up to see Ichika and the girls standing in front of you with smiles. Even though it's only been one month since you started attending IS Academy, you had a feeling that you'll love what's to come.

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