Finale Part 2

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"No training whatsoever! You have no experience with aerial combat whatsoever!" You grunt shooting multiple beams of energy towards Ryoma. Multiple explosions smack him on contact, creating a cloud of smoke in the air. It clears up just long enough for you to rush towards him, crashing him into the side of the cliff where the building stood.

You could see it, Ryoma wasn't used to it at all. The lingering part of you kind of felt a bit of pity towards the guy. But when you remembered everything that he did to wrong you, the guilt disappeared in almost an instant. You punch Ryoma into the wall multiple times, getting him stuck inside from the force of the energy coming from your I.S. Your hands engulfed in blue and black flames before slicing him with all of your strength. You unleashed every single bit of aggression that you could towards the man.

After a while, the fatigue from your muscles from the sudden fighting started to wear you down. You fly back, gathering energy in both hands. Blue lightning starts to surround your arms with each passing second. You wanted to go more, wanted to obliterate Ryoma into a thousand periods for every single thing that you've done. But... you knew it in your mind.

'Just because he's a piece of shit, doesn't he should die.' You think to yourself before shooting the beam down into the water. The impact sends multiple ripples, shooting the water back up high up enough to reach you all the way up in the sky. You slowly fly towards Ryoma, badly injured from your fit of rage. His I.S. was destroyed beyond belief, leaving him bare to himself. You grab him before flying towards the massive hole in the building and tossing him inside.

"Well. You showed that you could keep your emotions in check. At least, kinda." You hear a voice coming from behind you. You slowly turn your head away from Ryoma and the minister to see your dad standing at the entrance of the room, folding his arms while looking at the scene.

"You sure took your time. What exactly were you doing?" You asked with an interested glance. You suddenly feel a small gust of wind from behind you, as you turn your head towards outside the hole on the wall. You noticed a bunch of familiar faces, Houki, Laura, and the others. "Huh? What the heck are you guys doing here?"

"Your dad may have kinda called us to make sure that you didn't go too far and accidentally killed someone." Ichika comments with a concerned look at the massive outrage that you caused. You give a small chuckle before kicking Ryoma, hearing a groan of pain from the guy.

"He's alive... that's all that matters. (Y/N) didn't kill anyone. Who here would actually care if he can't use a few limbs or never be able to walk again for the rest of his life." Laura comments rather bluntly, getting a few mixed reactions from her friends.

"In any case, that wasn't the only reason that it took me so long to get here. I made a few calls, and pulled in a few favors." Your dad said with a small smile on his face. You turn your head to your dad, almost understanding what he meant instantly. "She should be downstairs in a few minutes. I would like to believe that she'll want to be embraced by her boyfriend as soon as she sees him."

"Dad! I can't believe you pulled off something like that! I don't know what to say!" You said with the biggest smile forming on your face.

"Can't you take a hint already? Just go on already!" Houki calls from behind you.

"You both have been through a great deal these past few days. Just go on and enjoy the moment!" Ling comments with a smile.

"It's rude to keep a girl waiting for you!" Cecilia cheers on. You slowly turn your head towards everyone. You give a slight nod towards them before running out of the room. With each step, the I.S. starts to revert back into its bracelet form.

Your legs feel like this is the fastest that you've ever ran in your entire life. But it didn't matter. Any fatigue seemed to have disappeared, everything seemed to be as peaceful as could be. You couldn't even wait that you went down the five flights of stairs without even stopping for a break. Dodging people who were walking in the halls until you reached the main lobby. Where she stood, patiently standing in the middle of the room looking at the door. Your footsteps attracted her glance away from the entrance towards your direction. When you saw her, you fully stopped, eyes locked with hers.

Neither of you said the word to each other, there was nothing that needed to be said afterall. Your heavy breathes calmed down in a matter of seconds, slowly walking towards her and she does with you. The walking turns into running with both of you embracing each other.

"I can't believe it... I just can't believe it!" Charlotte barely makes out with tears of joy falling from her face. Her grip around you tightened when she said it.

"It's fine now. You're safe." You slowly separate, close to each other simply staring into each other's eyes once more. There was only one thing that you could say to her. "I love you... Charl."

"I love you too, (Y/N)" She responds. You two slowly move close to each other, embracing in a soft kiss.


Wassup my homies!  This is NexusMHX here with the finale of this story.  You know, never in a million years would I have ever thought about making something like this.  But look at where we are now.  I would have to say that Mizore from Rosario Vampire is what brought me into this genre, but I kinda wanted Charlotte to be the first one that I manage to complete.  There's something special about it that just screamed fun for me.  Something like I could make something out of it.  But for now, I have to finish it here.  But that doesn't mean that this is our final journey, I'm making a new series that will premiere tomorrow.

Normally I wouldn't reveal anything but for this special occasion, why not?  It's Serena from Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V.  Until then, I hoped you enjoyed!  Stay Classy!

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