Summer's Heavy Encounter!

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"So this is what people call, a mall?" You ask before looking at the mall with interest. Charlotte suddenly looks over at you with a confused expression to what you were saying.

"You're joking... You've been to a mall before, right?" Charlotte says as you give off a serious expression signaling her that you weren't joking before letting out a chuckle. "Eh? What's so funny?"

"Charlotte. I find it funny you think that I haven't been to a mall before. Of course, I've been to one. It was a joke... The mood is kind of heavy was all." You smile before walking in.

Charlotte finally realizes it, she runs a bit to catch up with you. "Jeez. I don't know what you've done and haven't done! Don't tease me like that."

"Sorry for my teasing." You look around the mall seeing all the different shops that surrounded both of you. "So what would you like to do? Never really been on a date all my life so perhaps you should take the lead."

"Hold up! What makes you think I know anything?" Charlotte questions causing you to shift your eyes sideways.

"Well you being you, I thought that you would at least had a boyfriend or been on a date or somewhat popular. Was I wrong?" You look back at Charlotte who looked quite embarrassed.

"N-No. I also never been on a date with anyone." You remained speechless at what you heard. "So I also have no experience as well."

"Hmm... Then do you just want to look around and do normal shopping?" You said, trying to come up with stuff to do. "Plus. Now that's summer break is over, I have some stuff that I want to do. Like going to the beach and such. I need to detoxicate from all of that studying."

"Of course you would be like that. In any case, let's go shop around. I need a swimsuit if we plan on going for the beach." Charlotte smiles before looking through.

"Eh..." You question before standing still to contemplate what's going on before realizing what's going on. "Swimsuit?!"


"I feel so uncomfortable right now..." You mutter as you feel stares coming from all the girls in a swimsuit store waiting for Charlotte to try out a swimsuit. You look around to see many girl swimsuits around you causing a nervous sweat to drop slightly down your neck. It wasn't for a few minutes before Charlotte comes out with her swimsuit leaving you speechless as you couldn't help but stare at the sight that unfolded in front of you.

"S-Stop staring at me like that. It's really embarrassing... Pervert." Charlotte mutters with her face flushing bright red. "What do you think?"

You remain speechless before being snapped in reality with the question as you look away rather embarrassed. "It looks good on you. I like it."

"Really?" You nod in response before Charlotte taking a step back into the changing room and comes out in her normal clothes, holding the swimsuit before going to the counter to purchase the swimsuit before realizing something. "Ah..."

"What's wrong? Did you forget your card?" You ask as Charlotte nods. Students who attend IS Academy are given a card which is a credit card of sorts. All students are given a balance every month which can be used for personal pleasure. "Oh well. Nothing we can really do about that. I'll be doing the buying today, then."

"You don't need to do that. I can just get it another day." Charlotte said before trying to take the swimsuit from the counter as you quickly intervene and give the store clerk your card making the purchase.

"Trust me. I really don't go shopping often. I'll never really spend this money so go ahead. Plus this is a date... so I'll be doing the purchasing." You say before being given back his card and the swimsuit is wrapped up in a clothing store bag. You pick it up with a smile before holding it over your shoulder.

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