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"I didn't realize that you played any golf, (Y/N)." Charlotte watches you as you prepare yourself, taking aim before swinging your club, launching the ball into the air.

"Pit." You hear your dad calls out while looking through his binoculars.

You groan a little before looking over at Charlotte. "Yeah. It's become a sort of bonding experience between me and my dad."

"I'm not intruding, right?" Charlotte asks.

"For the last time. It's fine. Dad is glad to have you with us. But for now, why don't you take your turn? You know proper form and all that right?" Charlotte fumbles a little in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I should have spoken up about it earlier."

"It's all good. Just stand over and I'll help you." You nod your head over. She takes out of the golf clubs that she's using as a rental before making her way over to you. You get into position without the club in your hand while Charlotte copying your form. "Alright freeze. Don't move... have your back straight, needs bend. Feet and shoulders need to be at equal distance. Alright. Now when you're pulling back, always keep your eyes on the ball. And follow through."

"Alright. I got it." You take a step backward as Charlotte swings back, trying to follow the directions that you gave her. She swings as she looks forward, looking for where the ball is. "Do you see it?"

"Ah... Charl. You missed the ball."

"Miss it? Where? I don't see it."

"As in, you didn't hit it." You started to laugh as Charlotte looked down before turning red in embarrassment. She starts the get a little pouty. "Don't be like that. I'll help you."

Charlotte takes a second to get into position. You wrap your arms around her, taking a small hold of her arms. She was definitely shocked at first but quickly recovered as she let you help her. You slowly taught the motions, taking your time to make sure that Charlotte got the proper form.

You take a step back as Charlotte swings the club, hitting the ball into the sky. It went quite far when you saw it starting to drop. "You did it Charl! That was amazing!"

"It was only because you taught me!" Charlotte cheered in joy from the accomplishment. You two were so excited that you hugged in a response to the whole thing. However, after a bit, you saw your dad watching over from the cart with just a smirk on his face.

"Hurry and get in you two lovebirds! Time is a wastin!" Your dad calls out to you.



"And the winner goes to me. As per usual with a score of -1." Your dad smirks with a smile.

"Who puts the hole near a lake? I would have tied otherwise!"

"Stop being a sore loser. You were last place so you know what to do." Your dad says with a smirk as the three of you rest in the country club's bar.

"Alright fine. I'll go get it." You get up and walk away into the dining area as Charlotte looks over in confusement.

"What's (Y/N) doing? And I was technically last place." Charlotte asks as your dad looks over.

"Well you're new to the game in general so it didn't seem fair. As for what, whoever loses our golfing match has to buy club sandwiches. (Y/N) always loses so he's used to it at this point." Your dad says with a smile.

"You two have a good relationship with each other..." Charlotte has a sad smile on her face when she said it catching your dad's attention.

"Not a good relationship with your dad? I know the feeling." Your dad gave a sad expression. Charlotte looks down. "I won't ask what your family predicament is. But just know you both don't have to worry about it while you're at IS Academy and with my son. You two in my case, don't look like your average couple."

"That says a lot to me... Truthfully. I don't know exactly what I'm doing." Charlotte says with a small sigh. "I've never been in a relationship. This is all new to me."

"(Y/N) is on the same boat as you. It just means that you got to take all of this slowly. You're both young and have all the time in the world." Your dad's words made Charlotte a bit silent by the fact. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of all of this... I'm afraid once this is over, I'll be forced to return back to France." This catches your father's attention. "In the end... I'll be lucky to just be put into jail."

"Explain what you mean by that?"

"When I first came into I.S. Academy, I was forced to be portrayed as a male for the purpose of extracting data from Ichika, the only known male I.S. user at the time. My father's company is currently in the research of the third-generation type. Though, I didn't want this. Before (Y/N) came crashing in, I had already given up on this."

What could your father say to that... A company CEO was willing to use their own daughter to make sure that they were in the safe zone. Forcing her to change everything, without her giving a choice in what she wanted. There was really only one thing your dad could say in response to all of that.

"Does (Y/N) know about that? That you could be possibly facing imprisonment when this is all over?"

"No... I never really had the strength to tell him. But it's slowly been eating me. I don't know what to do."

"Don't know what to do about what?" You ask as you walk over to the table, holding a tray on one hand with the third tray being held by a green scarf that is coming out of your IS pendant. You lay each tray in front of everyone before taking off your headphones.

"I-It's nothing really that important. Really." Charlotte comments softly trying to not look at you straight.

"I was wondering if the two of you had any plans for summer vacation. You have a whole month together after all. You could spend it together or with your friends."

"Ah right. Speaking of friends, I actually bumped into Cecilia earlier. Jeez, the girl was so stubborn. She kept on apologizing for spilling stuff off me that she bought everything for me."

"You let a lady pay for you? That doesn't really seem very gentlemanly of you." Your dad jokes slightly.

"If you have seen the girl, she can be pretty forward about it." You sigh before looking over at Charlotte. "Hey, Charl. Something wrong?"

"N-Nothing at all. Let's eat."

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