14. The rebels

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Enderlox's POV:

The first rays of sunlight were peeking through the trees when I woke up. The day was

cold and misty, and all the preys were nowhere to be seen.

I let out a big yawn, and stretch my wings, feeling a weird pain in them. I turn around to see, my left wing was filled with ashes from the fire, it's dark purple color looked almost pure dark gray, if it wasn't for the wind, blowing off some of the ashes.

Maybe Krystal will find a cure for burns. I thought, before remembering that her, and sky were long gone. "Fuck" I said getting up from where I was sleeping. The owl from yesterday was sleeping peacefully inside the tree.

I felt my stomach rumble, and my mouth getting wet while my claws instinctively got out from their cover. I creeped next to the owl, getting ready to attack, but when my hand was about to strike, I felt a feeling sting right into my heart, as my appetite ran down. This owl gave me shelter and kindness through the night. I couldn't betray him like that.

My hand got down, as the compassion for the owl made me fly away from the tree trunk. How could I be so heartless and try to steal the life of such a kind creature!?

Ugh, I'm way to much time with sky, he is making me softer.

I flied around the zone, looking for any hint on where those two would be. Nothing. "Dammit those two!" I hissed, even though no one was listening. Or that was what I thought.

I landed on a big rock near a river, decided to rest for a bit. My wings may be strong, but they do get tired from time to time. I thought I was alone when suddenly, something was heard over the distance. I lifted my head in surprise, and took off my headphones to hear better.

They sounded like footsteps, getting closer and closer. I was about to run away, but it was too late. Before I could do anything, I felt a huge pain at the back of my head, and fell to the floor. Everything was blurry, and before I passed out, I noticed two figures, taking me by my arms and carrying me away.

"Quick! We need to get him to the camp!"

"I get it! Give me the vines to tie his wings up"

They said something else, but I wasn't able to hear it, then.. Everything went black.


"I- I haven't seen him before, have you?" Bash exclaimed. I shook my head, while tying vines around his body. We are supposed to know all the hybrids in the camp, but I've never seen him before. "Maybe he is part of the exiled" I thought out loud. Bash let out a small nervous laugh and shook his head. "BAKI, DONT SAY THAT!We haven't seen exiled in weeks! There is no way he can be one, AND the exiled are squids and semi-squids only" bash has always been jumpy with the topic of the exiled.

"Yea, but who knows? Maybe they have new recruits" I said, and shrugged. "Just... Whatever! Help me carry him to the base" He said, and took one arm of the ender-hybrid, I took the other, and we started walking back.

"Hey, he is an ender right? Is there a way to like... Teleport with him?"

"Bash.... Shut the fuck up and keep walking"


So yeah. I added bash and baki. Because they are both kinda hybrid-ish? OH MY GOD WE ARE GETTING TO THE CLIMAX OF THE STORY, I AM EXITED.

Hey, so uh.... Big question

Is the length of the chapters good enough? You want them longer? Or shorter? Or like this? Comment below(...above? To the left??... I-in the comment box), because I'm not sure it you ppl like it this way.

Kay, baii

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