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daniels pov

It was only the second show on the tour and I'm already, in a way, tired. It was the 8 Letters tour, and two nights ago we had the concert in Phoenix. We came back to LA last night for the concert and yet, I was tired.

Don't get me wrong, I love going on stage and singing in front of all the limelights, but even after getting off stage I'm awake for at least another few hours, and being on the bus (no matter how much you can get used to falling asleep on it) for the first few nights is disorientating and makes falling asleep harder.

Before we go on, Brynn and Eben go on, and of course they smash it every time. In that time before we go on, we spend most of the time practising tiny bits of certain songs, warming our voices up and making sure we've been to the bathroom and drank enough water.

And then, with a cheers and screams from the fans, we go on stage and start singing. We go through the first few songs, starting with Trust Fund Baby, then M.I.A and then Choose.

But during Hard, something silver catches my eye and I look over to where it came from. I wait a second and then I see another flash of silver, and my eyes land on a girl.

And it's not just a normal fan. In fact, I'm not entirely sure she is a fan.

She didn't look happy to be there, although every time her friend looked at her she faced a smile and pretended to be having a good time. The next couple of songs I kept looking back at her, and I kept seeing the same look on her face.

She looked kind of scared by the crowd around them, and I could've sworn I saw her wince when a fan next to her screamed some lyrics. It doesn't take me too long to figure out her deal; she's hear because her friend didn't want to come alone and she hates crowds.

I just feel sort of bad that it's our concert that she's sad at, and I can't to anything about it. But I keep going back to that side of the stage, and seeing her look so sad to be here, I decide I need to at least try do something about it.

And so as I sing, I try and catch her eye, and finally, as I'm singing a part in These Girls, she sees me looking at her. Automatically she arranged a smile but I shrug and finish singing, gently shaking my head and her smile fades.

It's her turn to shrug and besides her, her friend is freaking out a little. As Jonah sings his part, and the little dance part comes up, I decide this is my chance.

I start messing around a little, doing a weird dance and catching her eye during one of them. She looks as if she's trying to hide a smile and fans around her and on that side of the stage are laughing and filming me.

I just keep doing the stupid dances, pausing momentarily to sing and then going back to that dancing. Finally, I look up and I see her smiling, and she lets out a genuine laugh.

I don't even need to hear it to know that it could be one of the most beautiful sounds on the world. And now that she's smiling and seems to be standing out more in the crowd, despite the many phones filming is around her, I realise exactly how pretty she is.

Even though she isn't close to the stage I can see her emerald eyes, sparkling in the half-light. She has light brown hair styled carefully and barely any makeup, although it seems to sparkle anyways. Her top is what caused the silver sparkles, if I look closely I can see the pattern decorating it.

But then, as the song finishes and her laughter stops, but I can still see her smile. I'm pulled off the stage by Zach.

And although I have to meet fans and hug them and take pictures afterwards, all I can think of is that goddamn smile.

And somehow, I just know that I'm going to meet her again. Just somehow.


I actually love
writing this
and I used
the real set list
just edited it

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