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third person

Teddy couldn't move. She didn't know how to find everyone, and so she just sat there on the grass. Each person pushed past her, ignoring the girl sat on the floor crying.

"Teddy?" Voices shouted, and Teddy just let out a whimper, unable to speak for the fact she was crying so much. The calls of her friends continued, and she just sat there, unable to help.

The feeling of someone's body barrelling into her, and their arms wrapped around Teddy's body. Just letting whoever it was hug her, Teddy's body was still shaking, it being racked by the tears leaving her eyes.

"Oh Teddy." The voice sighed, and the girl only cried more when she heard that it was Daniel. Daniel held her close, tightly as she cried and cried, everyone surrounding them and watching sadly as the girl sobbed.

"What happened?" Bryana asked, and Daniel shook his head slowly.

"Just leave it for a while. We can ask her questions when she's ok. Let's get back to the house." Daniel says, Teddy nodding in his arms. Jonah pulls Teddy up, giving her a quick, tight side hug before helping Daniel walk back with her.

By the time they got back to the house, Teddy had somewhat stopped crying, yet the tracks stained her cheeks and her whole body was shaking. She felt disgusted with herself, that she just let those two girls do that to her, and she hated she was constantly so afraid of things and so weak.

"I'll leave you to change." Daniel smiled, as he left her in their shared room. It was a soft, yet sad smile, and Teddy hated the fact she was even considering breaking up with him because of what Skye and Freya told her.

Teddy sighed as the door closed, leaving her alone once more. The first thing which Teddy did to try and distract herself was to shower, and to change out of the clothes which were uncomfortable yet appropriate for the festival.

And it was as she was wiping off her makeup and attempting to remove the glitter which was seemingly all over her body at this point, when she realised that she needed to be strong. Her hands were still trembling as she brushed through her wet hair, tying it into two braids.

Pulling one of Daniel's discarded hoodies; it was dark blue and smelt exactly like him, providing a sense of security for the shaken-up girl. Trailing back through into the bedroom, she spotted Daniel sat in one of the corner couches, and instead of going over to him, she sat on the bed and pulled a blanket over her knees.

"Hey baby." Daniel said softly, moving from the couch to next to Teddy on the bed. A slight smile appeared on his face when he recognised the hoodie she was wearing. "Nice hoodie." He commented, nodding down at it.

"Well you have great fashion sense and smell great." Teddy replied, and the smile on Daniel's face faded slightly when the words came out no louder then a whisper. "I guess you want to know what happened?"

"Obviously I do, because I lo-.. I care for you a lot and I worry about you automatically because of it. But if you don't want to talk about it or have a reason not to tell me then I trust you." Daniel replied, catching himself at the last second when he was about to let those three words slip.

Hearing Daniel's sweet words only made Teddy feel more anxious about the situation, and hated that she found her bottom lip wobbling and a lump appearing in her throat. She had two options at this point; lie and do what Skye said, or tell the truth and let the situation solve itself. 

And Teddy, because she couldn't bear to break Daniel's heart, or her own for that matter, went with the second.

"Tonight, I was pulled out of the crowd by.. Freya." Teddy admitted, and Daniel's eyes widened slightly, and confusion built in his mind. "But that isn't the start of the story."

"A while ago, Freya dmed me and asked to be friends again. She had been my friend for so long before we fell out that I forgave her. She mentioned meeting at Coachella and me meeting her new friend Skylar. And so I agreed to that." Teddy sighed, moving the covers off her knees in frustration and let Daniel rest his hand on the bare skin.

"And then, I came to Coachella, thinking Freya would've changed. But then tonight, I get dragged out of the crowd and pulled into this dark corner and it was Freya and Skye." Teddy bit her lip anxiously, and Daniel (who had been tracing patterns on Teddy's thigh) stopped moving.

"Skye as in my ex Skye. Skye as in Skye who used me for the fame. Skye as in the Skye who cheated on me and broke my heart?" Daniel asked, his voice fuelled with anger and slightly shaky.

"Turns out Skye is the friend Freya mentioned, only she called her Skylar over text. And then.." Teddy faltered, before telling Daniel exactly what happened in that corner.

"It's sick." Was all that Daniel said, when she had finished recounting what went down. "It's sick, they're sick. Horrible. Actually fucking disgusting." Daniel spat the last words out, and Teddy frowned, looking up at him.

She hadn't seen this Daniel before. She had seen happy Daniel, loving Daniel, excited Daniel, jealous Daniel, sad Daniel, but never ever angry Daniel. And as far as she and everyone else who knew the Seavey boy was concerned, angry Daniel rarely ever made a appearance.

And it was slightly scary. Daniel was almost shaking he was that angry. Mumbling curses to himself under his breath, he finally looked up at Teddy, realising how upset she looked.

"I'm sorry." Daniel sighed, looking down, and feeling the mattress dip as Teddy moved closer to him, gently slipping her hand under his. "It just makes me sick how people we've both trusted have now hurt you and almost forced you into doing something. Hell, they basically kidnapped you!" Daniel snapped and when he felt Teddy's grip loosen, he sighed and apologised once more.

"But I'm ok now. And if it's ok can I go to sleep? We can talk more about it tomorrow?" Teddy asked, Daniel nodding in reply amd laying down next to Teddy, a hand draped over her waist, securing her position.

"I'm sorry." Daniel mumbled, placing gently, smooth kisses on the exposed skin of Teddy's neck. He could faintly see her cheeks move and he knew a smile appeared on her face.

And that night, Daniel fell asleep with angry thoughts running through his mind, but also the three words and eight letters he almost said. 

Because one thing was for sure, Teddy was no doubtedly his soulmate, and now that she was his, he wouldn't be letting her go.



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