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liked by teddygrace, imzachherron and 210,845 others

seaveydaniel: kinda really wanna give you
a hug right now

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username: well I kinda really wanna give
you a hug but we all know that aint
↳ username: lol me
↳ username: sis we all feel that way
but gO oFf

corbynbesson: I'm sat opposite you
you could've just asked
↳ username: corbyn I-
↳ username: #dorbyn
jonahmarais: bro I think he
meant me
↳ username: #donah
seaveydaniel: I didn't mean either
of you now chill

username: wow you cute

username: my husband is looking
vv cute today

username: oh shit

teddygrace: kinda same
↳ username: oH
↳ username: wait was this
about Teddy?
↳ username: yo guys chill friends
can hug
↳ username: yeah but this can't
just be a friends situation.. can

keriseavey: loving the shirt!!
↳ username: oh hello mama seavey
↳ username: you literally made the
perfect human

username: well shit daniel might
not be single anymore
↳ username: his hey I'm single
tweet says otherwise
↳ username: huh?
↳ username: check his twitter

username: bitch I fucking can't


» conversation

daniel seavey
teddy montgomery


teddybear 🎨
hey I know you're
probably busy but
I just wanted to say
thanks for putting up
with me crying (again)
last night

oceaneyes 🌊
You don't have to thank
me, and I wasn't putting
up with you. I genuinly
just wanted to help you
and talk to you and just
give you a hug

teddybear 🎨
so the caption was
about me then

oceaneyes 🌊
on instagram?
yeah I guess it was

teddybear 🎨
I was just trying to
figure it out because
you said it a couple
of times last night and
well yeah

oceaneyes 🌊
I really did want to
give you one and I
still do

teddybear 🎨
the feelings mutual
because you give
really, really good hugs

oceaneyes 🌊
I do?

teddybear 🎨
the night we met?
we hugged maybe
once and it's the best
hug I ever had the
pleasure of experiencing

oceaneyes 🌊
you're cute
and talking about the
night we met, is my
jacket still hung up
in your room?

teddybear 🎨
actually I decided to
wear it to work today.
well I didn't exactly decide
I grabbed it on the way
out, if thats ok

oceaneyes 🌊
It's completely fine,
you looked really good
in it anyways, better
then I did.
So how is my other
jacket coming along?

teddybear 🎨
really super duper
good like really good

oceaneyes 🌊
so you reckon it's
going ok?

teddybear 🎨
I never really do mens
designs/jackets because
well ya know but it's going
really well and it looks really

oceaneyes 🌊
I'm so excited to see
it now wow

teddybear 🎨
You know what's a
plus to this whole
'painting your jacket'
thing? well I get to
give it to you personally
which means I a) get to see
you again and b) I will force
you to hug me

oceaneyes 🌊
they sound like very
good pluses
and you will most likely
get very long hug
because you are
the most talented, sweetest,
beautiful people I
ever met by pulling
into a fire escape and
I can tell you that
there has been many

teddybear 🎨
that was beautiful,
you're actually so nice
though and that's literally
the only time an anxiety
attack has done anything good
for me

oceaneyes 🌊
I'm good for you?

teddybear 🎨
I'm going to answer
honestly and that's yes,
you really helped me
that evening and you're
a really good friend

oceaneyes 🌊
you are getting the biggest
hug when we meet again


dis cute now
i can start the
gud stuff

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