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third person

Daniel always found that there was something special about walking up in the same bed with the person you had grown, or are growing to love.

Which is why, when he woke up with Teddy by his side, cuddles up to him, he couldn't help but smile.

He had finally found the girl in which he could confide in, which he could love and spend time with. Who helped him get over a girl he had been in love with until she broke his heart, without Teddy even knowing it.

"Staring is considered rude, you know." A sleepy but awake Teddy mumbled, and Daniel blinked a few times before blushing, and Teddy rolled over. "What time is it?" She asked, laying on her back.

"Almost ten. We have to get up soon because Tyler said mom and dad and Anna will be here at around twelve." Daniel said, noticing that as soon as he mentioned his parents, Teddy went quiet and pale.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked, genuine worry in his tone.

"Just nervous I guess." Was Teddy's reply, and although Daniel didn't fully believe it, he didn't want to pressure her or ask her anymore about it; she looked uncomfortable enough already.

So instead, he grabbed the room service menu and scanned the breakfast options, reading out some of them to Teddy, before they ordered almost one of everything. It came soon enough and it was almost as if they were reliving the night before; laid in bed eating food and watching whatever was on TV, cuddling up next to each other.

Daniel agreed to go pick up his parents with Tyler, and so he left Teddy in the bed to go change and leave, kissing her cheek before exiting. And when that door closed, that was when Teddy's nervousness started to show.

Finishing her croissant and orange juice, she preceded to get up and go grab her clothes; then going to shower and change.

She had decided on a pair of grey plaid pants which tightened around the waist and tied in place with a belt-like long piece of fabric, tied in a bow. She pair it with a light orange coloured sweater, which was cropped and again, tightened at the waist, with the material ruffled both there and at the neckline.

She spent some time on her makeup and hair, brushing it through and then curling it slightly, doing her makeup but making sure it looked natural. Teddy had met Anna before, and knew she was so sweet, and judging by all of the Seavey children's personalities, she knew the parents could be just as sweet.

Soon enough, as it turned almost one o'clock, Teddy's phone vibrated and when she glanced at it, it was a text from Daniel telling her that him, Tyler, Anna and the Seavey parents had arrived and were waiting downstairs.

Teddy quickly pulled on the nearest pair of shoes which she owned, and then made her way down to the foyer, where she saw Daniel and everyone waiting on the couches.

"Hey." She said, walking over. Daniel stood up, as well as everyone else, introductions said and everyone met.

"Mom, dad, this is Teddy." Daniel said, then hesitated, unsure on what to say next. "My best friend." He finished.

Teddy almost froze, and Tyler looked over at Daniel, almost shocked. Teddy was undoubtedly upset, but Daniel had never said that they were going to tell his parents, and so she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

She sat on the edge of the conversation, listening to everyone and answering the brief questions that were directed her way, until the topic of conversation was directed to her.

"So Teddy, what do your parents do?" Keri asked, and for the second time, Teddy visibly froze.

She had no idea how to answer, and she felt her anxiety build up and she tried to think. Teddy started to fiddle with the end of her sweater sleeve.

"Well.. um.. my dad works in my hometown, New York, in a restaurant. He loves it there, and I used to work there when I used to live in New York, before I moved to LA." Teddy replied, trying to avoid the other subject.

"What about your mom?" Jeff asked, and Teddy almost choked, suddenly standing up.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." She said, and made a beeline straight for the corridor, and as soon as she disappeared around the corner, she leans against the wall, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What was that?" Daniel asked, moving around the corner and looking at Teddy.

"I could ask you the same thing." Teddy replied, standing up to look at him. "Oh look, it's your best friend, not your fricken girlfriend!" Teddy half shouted and Daniel started to look guilty.

"Well if that is what this is about, then I'll go back there and tell them that you're my girlfriend." Daniel said, only to find that Teddy was shaking her head.

"It's not that." Teddy replied, a sigh escaping her lips and then leaning back against the wall.

"Well what is it?" Daniel asked, and became confused when he saw that Teddy's eyes were filling with tears.

"In that car crash. I didn't get hurt no more than a couple of bruises and scratches and a fractured arm. My dad got out fine, and my siblings. But..." Teddy trailed
off and tears began to spill. "But my mom didn't."

"Oh Teddy." Daniel said, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and holding her close as he cried.

And it was decided then, that Daniel was going to tell his parents that he and Teddy were dating. Because he caused her the slightest bit of pain on top of a whole other lot of pain.

That he felt as if he was partially the reason why she was crying in a hotel corridor.

And he needed to fix that.



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