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liked by seaveydaniel, freyacarter and 14,587 others

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liked by seaveydaniel, freyacarter and 14,587 others

teddygrace: so yesterday I went to a concert,
it went surprisingly well
but I went to sleep at
like 2am do this is a pic
Freya took on our morning
coffee run. Not gonna
apologise for the long caption
but i also wanna know if
I should start YouTube again
because all I do these days
is paint and sing to myself
whilst I'm trying to figure
out stuff

view all 1,237 comments

username: you're so cute sIgh
can't relate

username: whose concert girl!

freyacarter: ya but you still
ditched me lol anyways you're
paying for our chipotle
when we get there
↳ username: she's just like
lol you're paying
teddygrace: ok freya
whatever you say

username: um Daniel like your
post? Where you at a wdw
concert or something?

username: you should 100%
bring back youtube omg your
covers and tutorials and
vlogs wow I miss it

seaveydaniel: ok you're even cute on Instagram this
isn't fair
↳ username: bro I could say
the same to you
username: this girl ain't
even pretty lol 
teddygrace: you ended up
getting a good night sleep?
↳ username: bish what
seaveydaniel: actually yeah

username: o-

username: give it a minute
and it'll be all over the
wdw tea pages

username: Wait how does daniel
know what you look like?
teddygrace: we met last night
at the concert!

username: weren't you there when
we were all out near the bus and
then Daniel disappeared?

username: ^ um tea?

username: gurl you better
bring the youtube back omg

username: just wait for
everyone to jump
on her
↳ username: idk why they
would though, she's done
basically nothing
↳ username: 'basically
nothing' is Daniel
seavey calling this random
girl cute, And following her
on Instagram

username: I feel so bad for
her she's just trying to live


» dms



I don't have much
time, like five
minutes before I've
got to go, but
I'm sorry about my

it's fine don't
worry about it

no you don't
understand, they
have all these drama
pages and me
calling you cute
will be all over
them and you'll
get tagged

so you think
I'm cute?

of course I do
because you are
and you're extremely
but that isn't
important right now

yeah I don't like
it all the followers
and likes and comments
I'm going private
hold on

I'm sorry
it's come to this

it's fine don't
worry it's not
your fault

but it's my fans
and therefore
my fault

You're sweet Daniel
but don't even worry
about it, I'm not
interested in becoming
instagram famous and
I love just doing
my own little thing
don't worry

I have to go but
I'll talk to you
again later and
I'm sorry again

don't even worry

Talk to you later
- read at 15:47pm


Daniels too
sweet and pure
for this world
ok goodnight

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