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liked by holyherron, hoenahstable and 2,346 others

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liked by holyherron, hoenahstable and 2,346 others

wdwtea: literally got 25 million
dms saying how about this
so everyone chill. yes daniel and
teddy dyed their hair and matched
captions, we know ok?

tagged: @seaveydaniel @teddygrace

view all 1,002 comments

username: we stan a couple
who does literally everything
the same lmao stop ok
↳ username: i feel like this
needs to be said real quick;
if they decide to do something
together and match something,
knowing people are going to
react like this, is brave of them.
we need to respect the fact that
they are friends or maybe
more ok?

seaveydaniel: hello yes we
dyed our hair
↳ username: daniels like wtf
is this? this aint tea this is
facts ok sis
teddygrace: yeah we even
got it done by the same
person, how shocking

username: ^ we stan a couple
who can be savages when they
want to be

username: couples who are
savages together stay together
↳ username: ok that made me
laugh but it aint true

anna.seavey: and it looks great
on both of them??
↳ username: anna is now

username: well it think they
look great, if they're dating
good for them. have a great
↳ username: honestly a ok
way of looking at it


third person

"Whatcha doing?" Daniel asked, walking through into the hotel room where Teddy was sat on her laptop. Teddy glanced up at him, a smile appearing on her face before turning her laptop towards him.

"Coachella outfits." Teddy said in reply. "I thought I liked the ones I had, but turns out I don't. So I'm sending the others back when we get back to LA and buying new ones."

"I like this set." Daniel pointed at a two piece set; which was very sheer pale blue material, with embroidered blue and pink flowers on it.

"Yeah I was thinking that." Teddy replied, looking at it. "But, I would be wearing a bikini underneath which matches, and I think I know which one it would be. I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable in it."

"You would look amazing." Daniel told her, laying down on the hotel bed next to her. He moved closer and then leaning his head on her shoulder, occasionally pointing out things which he thought she would like.

She ended up with a total of three outfits; the sheer pale blue set, a skirt and top, and a matching two peice skirt and dress, the last two both rather sparkly.

"Now accessories." Teddy sighed, moving onto that section of the website. Daniel could see that this was stressing Teddy out slightly, because she was in fact, under pressure to order them so that they would have arrived for her to wear to the festival.

And so gently, Daniel reached out and closed the laptop, taking it off Teddy and placing it on the nightstand. "Let's go get some coffee and go on a walk." He suggested, as Teddy made a face at his actions.

"But I need to finish ordering everything." She protested, reaching out for her laptop once more. In response to this, Daniel got up and grabbed the laptop, putting it on top of the closet, where he knew Teddy couldn't reach.

"If I kiss you can I have it back?" Teddy asked, appearing in front of Daniel, who laughed and took her hand pulling her over to her shoes.

"I'll kiss you if you put your shoes on and come get coffee with me." Daniel replied, and Teddy quickly pulled her shoes on and jumped up.

Standing on her tiptoes, Teddy steadied herself by placing her hands on Daniel's shoulders. Then, she placed a kiss as light as a feather on his lips before pulling away and taking his hand.

"That's not fair." Daniel complained, as Teddy pulled him out of their room and down the corridor. "I was going to kiss you."

"You still can." Teddy shrugged, as they reached the elevator and stepped in. "No one is stopping you, least of all me."

"Well in that case." Daniel said, moving to stand in front of the girl in one swift movement, leaning down and kissing her. The kiss was filled with passion and a slight urgency, which came from the fact they could be walked on at any second, but still gentle and meaningful.

As the elevator dinged they pulled apart, having reached the ground floor without being interupted. And the pair stepped out as if nothing had happened between them.

Yet they were holding hands, and with every step they took together, they seemed to move closer to each other. And to everyone in the foyer as they walked out, they seemed to be the perfect young couple.



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