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third person

It was the night after Daniel's outburst, and whilst everyone else was sleeping, Teddy was laid awake in her bunk, thinking. Not of anything in particular but she just couldn't get to sleep.

And so, being more of a night person anyways and being by surprisingly hungry, she carefully got up out of her bunk, careful not to wake anyone. Then she walked through into the kitchen, only to find she wasn't the only one awake.

"Daniel?" She questioned, and the brunette looked up from his laptop, pulling off his headphones as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Hey Teddy." Daniel replied, placing the headphones down on the table and looking up at her, slightly closing the laptop (only so that the screen went dark, not all the way). "What are you still doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Teddy commented, grabbing a couple of oreos from the pack in the cupboard and moving to sit next to him. "What you working on?"

"How did you guess?" Daniel replied, moving closer to Teddy and opening the laptop, loging in and passing her the headphones. Teddy put the headphones on and Daniel pressed play, letting Teddy listen to what he had been working on. "Well?" He asked, after Teddy had listened to it.

"It's really good, I also get why you told me you work better at night." Teddy smiled, gently placing the headphones back on the table. She leant her head on Daniel's shoulder as he continued, eating her oreos quietly.

"Daniel.. can I ask you a question?" She said, her voice soft - no louder then a whisper. Daniel immediately stopped what he was doing, turning her full attention to the girl beside him.

"Yeah sure go ahead." Daniel replied, turning slightly in his seat to face Teddy, who was biting her lip slightly nervous to ask whatever she was going to ask.

"You know earlier.. when the boys were talking about us.. well dating." Teddy stuttered slightly and Daniel started to wonder where exactly ths was going. He knew he shouldn' have snapped like he did earlier, and the look on Teddy's face when he moved her off of his lap, made him regret it even more.

"Yeah..?" Daniel said, and Teddy looked down at the floor, fiddling with her bracelet.

"Who exactly is Skye, if you don't mind me asking." Teddy asked, uncertainty in her voice. One look at Daniel's face and she knew she shouldn't have said that. "I mean- well you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. if it's too personal or if we're not that close enough or-"

"I will tell you who Skye is." Daniel said, cutting the rambling Teddy off. She immediatley went quiet, once more fiddling with her bracelet. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything you want to tell me. Who she is, why you brought her up earlier. If that's ok with you of course." Teddy said one more, and Daniel shushed her again, taking her hand.

"I met Skye when I started high school. Then, when I got off of Idol I was bullied and struggled with depression and Skye was there to help me through it. We ended up kissing one time and then dating a couple of weeks later." Daniel started, skipping over the bullied section quickly, and Teddy knew it pained him to think about that.

"We dated for around two years after that, and then the band was formed. All the fans knew we were dating, and Skye had started to become pretty well known as well. We were long distance, over the first couple of months of the band." Daniel said, and Teddy started to get the gut feeling about what was going on.

"Then, at Christmas I flew home to surprise my family. But I went to Skye's house first, for some strange reason. She was cheating on me, using me for the fame after everything. Christmas wasn't great that year. I obviously broke up with her and cut all contact with her." Daniel continued, and Teddy looked down, taking Daniel's other hand as well.

"I've been on a few dates since then, but I've been so cautious that someone would use me again, just like Skye did. Nothing ever came of those dates, and you're really the only girl that I've been able to talk to. So when I was thanking you, I meant that as well." Daniel smiled, and Teddy looked up to meet his eyes.

Both of them were surprised to find that they were both leaning in.

Suddenly Teddy stood up, pulling her hands out of Daniel's grasp. She walked backwards slightly, towards the corridor in which the bunks were. "I should go to bed." She stuttered, a blush forming on her cheeks.

She disappeared, leaving Daniel stood staring after her, a slightly smile on his face and confusion in his brain. They both wanted the same thing, he knew that now, but both were almost too scared to act upon it.


teddy is also
stoopid what
is goin on

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