Chapter 1: Angel's Sanctuary

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The story you're about to read is about my life as a guardian angel. It has its happy moments, its scary parts and then are sections that make me cry just thinking about them. But it's an important story about the people who have made me into the young lady I am today. I'm proud to share it just as I remember it. An angel's memory is like an archive, so...welcome to my personal library!

My life began in silence. My mother was holding me, her messy baby, in her arms. She stared at me with glistening purple eyes and I stared back. I reached out with my stubby little hands and grabbed onto her webbed finger. I gave it a little kiss to thank her for bringing me into this world.

I grew up in our little sanctuary; a hut in the middle of the Forest of Lost Children. It was just Mommy and me for the first eight years. Angels age one fourth the speed that humans do, so I looked like a toddler at that time. I had a full set of hair, though it was still short, and I had strong legs that carried me all around our little village.

Mommy and I would knit clothing for each other and she would tell me stories about her incredible adventures and about grandma too. Grandma was a mermaid, an enchanting creature of the sea. That's why Mommy had such pretty scales on her body and flippers too. My grandpa was really cool too! He was a hero, a human warrior who fought against bad guys. Grandma and him met up on an adventure and after they snuggled all night long, grandma got preggy and then three years later, Mommy was born. I snuggle with Mommy all the time, but I never get preggy. Mommy said that's cuz we're both girls.

My papa was a great man too. Mommy was assigned to be his guardian angel and keep him safe. The two of them grew up together, they became the bestest of buddies and then they became even more closer! My papa was a legendary hero who took down a bad king alongside Mommy and his best friend! Hearing about Mommy's stories about her adventures with Papa always made we want to go beyond the forest and see the rest of the world.

I could talk about Mommy's stories forever, but you wanted to hear my story, so I'll get back on track!

One day Mommy brought over a visitor. It was an angel girl like me, but she was twice my age. I was so happy to have a big sister. Her mommy was a ShadowPup, big dogs that can shift into shadows. Whenever I ask her where her mommy is now, she goes quiet. So I stopped asking and we got along great! Things were even better than ever, at least for a time. Now that I had a sister, Mommy would leave us, sometimes for months. She was out searching for more sisters for me to play with. When I turned 16, she even brought me a little sister! Tumble was what I called her and she was prickly but impossible not to hug. She was like a living tumble weed. Mommy thinks her mom was a WoodPrimordial, but those entities are apparently really special. Tumble is super special too! Even though she never talks, I never had trouble knowing what she wanted. The little prickly angel would always clung to my leg too so I never felt alone.

When Mommy wanted to go out again two weeks later, I got really scared.

"You can't weave us, Mommy. I miss you when you leave. It huwts, right here," I say, tapping my chest.

"Aww, my little one is worried about me." Mommy swept me up into her arms. "I have to go find you more sisters."

"I already have two sisters. I don't need any more. I don't wanna wose my one mommy." I sobbed in her bosom.

Mother's embrace would always calm me when I was needy or emotional, but I was too afraid at the time. I remember it so clearly. My body was shaking.

"Whad if you never come back?" I asked sniffling.

Mommy dried my nose off with her absorptive fingers and pet my head. "Then Luna will take care of you."

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