Chapter 6: My Own Hero

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Massive wooden pillars sprouted from the ground, lifting Ruiz and I out of the way of Flam's scarf.

Did that thing just smile at me? If I can just determine what creature it is, maybe I can find a way to defeat it.

"You should run. I'll hold him off." Old Guy brought his aura-laden hands together. "Wrinkle Condense."

The trees in the surrounding area were brought into close proximity.

"Once I have my eyes on something, it is already my possession," said Flam as his scarf coiled up the large wood to reach me.

"Wrinkle Distortion." Old Guy turned his hands, bending the trees around Flam. The deadly enemy was trapped and his scarf stopped before it could reach us.

The scarf sharpened as it recoiled, slicing an exit out from the wooden prison.

Flam then sliced the slab to wood flakes and emerged, gripping his chest. "Your devotion to your people tickles my very heart."

The scarf shot toward Old Guy, who slammed his fists together to create a special barrier. The scarf disappeared upon hitting the front of the distortion and came out the back of it.

This is insane. Mother told me about the power of WoodPrimordials but this is beyond that. Was one of these gods really the father of Tumble?

Ruiz grabbed my hand. "Okay so honestly I'm terrified and I have no idea how I can use my powers to stop him."

I gripped his hands tightly.

We're both shaking.

"How tough are you?" I asked, keeping my eye on the battle below while running in place.

"I can take a hit. What's your plan? And why are you doing that?" he asked with a nervous smile.

I coated my hands in sweat. "I'm going to need you to get hurt."

"What the hell kinda plan is that?" Ruiz released my hand.

"If you're in danger, I can transform and protect you...hopefully," I said, staring intensely at the battle below.

"Yeah. Maybe we should just try to stick the landing and then run away instead," said Ruiz, gauging the distance to the ground with fear-stricken eyes.

"If you get hurt, then maybe I can fly us out of here. My normal wings are for grabbing but maybe, just maybe, my angel wings can get us down from here."

Old Guy bent the space between his palms to redirect Flam's two-pronged scarf attack. "Forget the boy. Run to safety. He's deadweight."

The scarf coiled around a tree and sliced it, causing it to topple toward Old Guy.

The Wood Primordial made a motion with his hands that sliced the tree in two.

"We have to do something!" I hopped into Ruiz's lap and gripped the wheels on his chair.

"Don't do anything stupid!" he yelled, grabbing my arms.

"Sorry," I said with a nervous grin. I kissed him as I rubbed my sweaty hands on his legs and shirt.

Ruiz freaked out, releasing his grip on me.

I closed my eyes and drove us off the pillar and to the ground twenty feet below.

Something's on my leg.

Flam's scarf pulled me out of Ruiz's lap and flung me into a tree.

Oh no. Please be okay.

I reoriented myself after pushing the leaves away from my face.

His wheel chair was toppled over on the ground, but where was he?

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