Chapter 8: Racheal: The Silent Symphony

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The door behind us slammed shut.

The man who took away my Mommy glided across the ground to end Racheal.

"You aren't getting me again! Sound Shot!" Racheal slammed her hands together, creating a sonic wave that pushed the assassin's blade's aside.

My feet moved on their own. A furious fire was heating my insides.

I grew aura wings and slammed into the attacker. "Where's my Mommy!?"

He's going to tell me even if I have to hurt him lots and lots!

"You know Betrayer too?" asked Racheal, firing sound shots at the incoming bladed tendrils.

Phoenix spread out her wings. Her eyes glowed and grey energy coated her body. She screeched at the RiftRipper.

"Such things only work on mortals." Tendrils came out from under his cloak and sped toward me.

"Sound Shotgun!"

My ears bled as a powerful sound wave zoomed past me and exploded into the ceiling.

Rubble buried Betrayer and stopped his attack.

"Get out of here! I'll hold him off!" yelled Racheal.

No. I'm never going to lose anyone else. I will protect Racheal.

My tattoos glowed and I summoned up a black book wrapped with chains and with red swirls on the cover.

This must be Racheal's book. I'm going to make sure her story continues.

I slammed my hands together. "Sound Shotgun!" The sound wave blasted Betrayer at point blank range.

Did I just use Racheal's power!?

"Awesome hit, Annie!" Racheal lifted me into her arms and made a run for the door. "We have to get as far away from him as possible."

"We're an awesome team!" I exclaimed, firing sound bullets at his incoming tendrils.

Two tentacles came out from the ground and wrapped around Racheal's legs.

I fell out of her grip and landed on my booty.

Racheal was slammed against the wall before being thrown aside into the kitchen of the house.

My shadow rose up behind me and grabbed onto me. "Your mother is dead. Try to leave this place and you will be forcibly reunited."


A sound shot hit my shadow's face and Racheal stood by the door way, bloodied up.

I can heal her as soon as we beat this guy.

A single blade went into a rift and came out of multiple rifts around Racheal.

If I hurt him, then she'll get hurt too. What do I do?!

"You shouldn't throw your life away," said Betrayer, gently caressing her body with his blades.

"Why did you kill Richard?" asked Racheal in tears.

"A job. One you will not speak of to anyone," said Betrayer.

An old woman with black bark as skin and dark circles over her eyes appeared between Racheal and Betrayer. Her corrugated forehead and permanent frown gave her a heavy gravity of negativity. "Get out, boy." She clawed a spatial distortion into existence and swung it around, slicing all the tendrils around Racheal.

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