Chapter 12: Dios Gigante

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I feel something on my shoulder and I'm pulled back into my consciousness.

"What brings you here?" asked Gloom, looming over me.

I closed the book and stood in front of Tumble. "I won't go down without a fight."

I aimed my hands and focused my energy.

"I'm not here to kill you. I hate killing. I haven't killed since I was initiated. I'm not like the other RiftRippers. Flowers make me smile." Gloom's body contorted into a crescent shape.

"Then why are you here?"

"I asked first," said Gloom, pointing at me with several hands.

"I'm here because I was rescued. I'm going to find my sister while helping the heroes."

Gloom sunk into himself as he laughed. "These aren't heroes. They are rebels. They fled from their villages. They are deserters, like me."

"They want to help the other heroes. They're good guys."

"Things aren't so black and white. Even so, there's no need to give me those fearsome eyes. I'm the Mortal Militia's personal RiftRipper. Have been for years."

"But you were going to kill Poppy's heroes."

"Nope. I use threats to deal with my problems. RiftRippers are terrifying creatures. There's no need for us to kill unless we are transporting. My threats are so fearsome that my targets end up killing themselves." His body twisted and the stars in his eyes turned red. "I've said too much. You know my secret. I'll have to cut it out of your mind." Blades came out from under his cloak and gently poked my head.

I have to fight or I'm gonna die.

Gloom collapsed into a puddle. He then reformed behind Tumble, encasing her inside himself in a cage of blades. "You choose how you want to end yourself."

How is everything falling apart? What should I do?

Tumble poked the knives playfully and silently giggled.

"That's enough games." Dios Gigante stepped up to Gloom.

"But look at her terror! It's adorable!" exclaimed Gloom before collapsing into a puddle.

"Your games have cost us the lives of several troops," said Dios, glaring at the puddle.

"Yes, but you need me soooooo you have to stomach it. I just hate seeing people fight. It would be so much better if they just turned their swords on themselves." Gloom impaled his body with multiple swords and let out a wretched scream that soon turned into laughter.

"Your flowers are getting thirsty. Best water them," said Dios.

Gloom nodded repeatedly and then slid off the rooftop.

"Are you alright?" asked Dios, patting my cheeks.

I was cuddling Tumble and crying. "You saved me." I gave him a warm smile.

"Gloom was just playing around. He wouldn't harm an angel. If a RiftRipper destroys an angel, their mind becomes even more twisted. He values his individuality. He can't harm you."

"Okay. Still...thanks," I said softly.

"Hey. I want you to stay here when we go on the next mission."


"It's dangerous and you're no soldier. We can bring the wounded back to you and your little sister."

"I'm a hero too. If I don't give it my all, then I'll regret it forever."

"We leave soon after the meeting. At least consider it."

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