The Tears of Horus

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Long before the first small tribe established itself over el-Omari, Merimba, and the Faiyum, there was Exois. Like the rest of us after him, he had companions, apprentices, and enemies.

Despite everything, we understand about UV rays and their effect on our kind. The fact is that he, together with the ancient ones, challenged them. I have read engraved tales in remote cavern walls of mighty Exois walking under the sun ruling over the day and the night.

It was common knowledge among us that when life became unbearable, for any reason, we could always count on the distant old star to put an end to our existence.

Immortality requires stamina, hunger, and will. Turning someone should never come easy for any of our kind. The ramifications of overlooking this fact had proven disastrous for more than one of us.

Sometimes I watch cheap horror films or read cheesy novellas about us, and I can’t help but feel sad, even angry, in the face of such lack of knowledge and vision. If the world could only know what it means to die from exposure to the sun, I’m sure that their entire perception of us would dramatically change.

In truth, it is possible to die a slow and painful death caused by UV rays, especially for young vampires. But what can be done when longevity provides enough power to survive the sun rays?

Most will say death by fire, and some have done it. That, for sure, will destroy most bodies; but back then, for those immune to the effects of the sun’s fire was just an annoyance, an element that without a doubt will hurt but not necessarily completely destroy the body of ancient vampires with enough power to challenge the elements. Such was the case of Exois and, through his blood, mine.

Which raises the question: What can it be done against you when your power exceeds those of the known elements?

The ancients arrived at an answer to that question: a power destructive enough to put an end to an otherwise-unbearable existence.

They simply called it “the tears of Horus.”


March 14, 2005, 5:15 a.m. - Miami

Our bodies flew fast across the city heading dangerously toward the condos near the beach.

We bit and scratched each other without mercy or contemplation. Gone were precautions regarding the possibility of being spotted by others. The only thing that mattered was our hatred for each other and the knowledge that only one of us must survive to see the next night.

In one swift movement, the impostor twisted and turned, surprising me and sending Erika’s body straight to the nearest condo. Her body violently struck the rooftop, rolling across the surface and almost reaching the opposite edge to fall down to the distant dark street below. I didn’t experience any pain, as I knew I would; but then pure anger was a powerful substitute.

I looked up and saw my impostor floating above, looking down at me. I realized he had finally assumed ownership of all my powers.

“Do you really think you can stop me?” he taunted.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I used all my speed to stand up and jump toward him as he made a dive so fast and so sudden that he caught me on my way up. He struck with all his might, making Erika’s entire body tremble out of control on its way down toward the street.

I realized I was only seconds away from impact, but there was nothing I could have done.

As if I was some kind of concrete bag, my body hit the asphalt hard, bounced once and then rolled over uncontrollably across the car lanes.

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