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^another one of my drawings
Cassiel's POV

She brushed past me and stomped up to the door, mashing the door bell with her finger. But I was struck with the strong and strange sense of... danger... something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

I moved through space and grabbed Angel's arm, pulling her away from the door just before it slams open. Standing in the doorway... was a vampire. Blood now long dry was carelessly smeared across her face in bloody streaks and trailing down the corners of her abnormally long mouth. The streaks on her face must have come from her fingers because her whole arm was coated in crusted blood. Looks like this bitch is a turned-

I was snapped out of my analysis by Angel screaming beside me and I saw the turned snap it's neck towards her. And it smiled. It looked like someone had cut through its cheeks, leaving half of her smile to be composed of bloody flaps of flesh that was starting to bleed again.

"Cassy! Get us out of here!" Cassy?
"I... I can't" I tried moving through space, to somewhere safer but... I couldn't.
"What?! What are you talking about, this isn't the time for games!"
A dry, hissing chuckle came from the doorway and it finally spoke.

"Ohhh, can little miss demon not run away with her little toy? What a shame. Guess I'll just have to kill you instead!"
And it was like a dead body jumped to life, running at us faster than any weak human would be able to.

And I just barely managed to move us out of the way, stumbling as I did. What the fuck was going on?! Ever since being reborn and especially after all the titles I got, I've never been this weak. It was like I was human again...

I was once again useless and weak, anyone could overpower me and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. What has this deranged turned managed to do to me?!
"Cassy! Move! We have to get out of here! Now!"

She was yanking on my arm, pulling me away, down the street, away from the turned who had been distracted by a passing by jogger. The man's neck getting ripped up chunk by chunk.

We ran and I was only a little faster than Angel. We managed to get to the end of the street, every second I was able to run a little faster but still not fast enough. I just need to be a little further away and I'd be able to move Angel to somewhere safe.

But then we heard screeching from behind us, and I knew I had to get angel out of here now. Problem was, I wouldn't be able to safely move us both, I didn't have enough power, I was too weak. If I tried moving both of us we could die or land somewhere just as dangerous.

So I quickly dragged two fingers down Angel's forehead and moved her to the safest place I knew. They will take care of her like she is their own, especially with the mark I placed on her. And then she was gone along with the rest of the little power I had gained back. I was as weak as a human again.

The turned screeched behind me again, sensing that its victory was near, that it's meal was near. I am too slow to run away and too weak to use any of my powers. All that I could do was try to fight this thing.

I turned around and to face it and that's when I noticed a flower sowed onto its skin, the stitches clearly going very deep into it's skin, haphazard and gruesome. But something was familiar about the flower. It was blood red. It kinda reminded me of my dream, of the flower that dragged me back, that trapped me once again.

No more time for thinking because the vampire chose just then to slam into my body, my head bounced off the road. I forgot just how much human pain hurt. The impact left me dazed, my vision too cloudy to see anything but the blob of the turned straddling me.

My vision cleared just in time to see and feel it's long fingers wrap around my throat. I was... choking... I actually needed oxygen. I really need to somehow get out of here. Now.

Then the thing pressed its bloody lips to my ear, "I'm soo excited, aren't you? This'll be my very first time killing a demon! Oh but this won't be your first time dying now will it? Ohh I know how to make it exciting for you too! I could make you second death even more painful and torturous than the first one! So tell me, how did you die! Tell me!" And it slammed my head into the road once again.
"Tell me!" Slam.
"Teeellll meeee!" Slam.

I was bleeding from my head, my vision was going black, and I was getting choked to death. I'd just let them kill me but there was no point. I wouldn't get the freedom I so desired, I would just wake up again. But I'd also have to wait in hell until I managed to get a title again and Angel will be stuck there all the while.

Angel.... she sound be safe where I sent her but that doesn't mean I can just leave her there with them. I have to survive for Angel....

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