Here for you-7

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Cassiel's POV
I slid my hands through the air and made sure to heal all of the monster's bloody wounds. I can't make him suffer if he dies from blood loss now can I?
No, he will be tethered to life by a thin thread that I won't let snap until I choose to snip it myself. And even then, I sometimes hand their souls personally over to Lucifer to be tortured for the rest of eternity.
Everything depends on my mood. Wether I bring them to my dungeons or just kill them where I found them. How long I keep them alive. If I decide to keep their souls or destroy them completely.
The idea of doing... this for the rest of eternity makes me oh so tired. But then I force myself to flip through the horror-filled pages of my past and remember that I have to cleanse the world of monsters.
I have managed to lower rates of rape and human trafficking among other things but not enough. I guess once I finally eradicate it, I will go to Lucifer and ask him to crush my soul. Eternity is a very long time to suffer through.
Done with the day's retribution, I moved through space until I was in my washroom.
Wake up.
Wash up.
Monster hunt.
Wash up.
That has been my prison for the last 9 years. 9 years of repetition, 9 years of unending exhaustion. But I have a job to do. That is the only reason I am not another soul roaming through the fields of Asphodel
Water lapped at my waist and I plunged myself into its arms. I've always found water comforting. Especially when it's warm. Feels like a warm embrace, surrounding you on all sides. Like a buffer against cold harsh ilwinds and cruel harmful hands.
Faintly I hear angel souled calling out. I don't want to deal with her right now. I just want to sleep and feel safe. Not yet... but hopefully soon.
I sigh and watch the bubbles in their frantic escape from my lips and to freedom. Eventually I follow their example and rise up back out of the water.
I pull a loose fluttery white dress out of space, my usual outfit to go hunting in. I usually find it amusing. The monsters think me an angel. At least before I start ripping their limbs off.
I entered the bed area and heard a soft gasp from the bed. The angel souled. When I blankly stared at her a bit, she stumbled out a semi-coherent sentence.
"I'm sorry... you uh you just look... really beautiful."
I stopped myself from sighing, "I know." It was all I could care enough to respond with.
I am tempted to just leave angel souled chained to the bed but decided to be benevolent. I stride quickly over to her, touch the chain and it disappears, leaving only the golden collar.
She gasps softly and stares wide eyed when I pull a more appropriate outfit out of space for her.
"Woah... wait are you some kind of magician? How did you... do that?" She seems to enjoy asking questions.
"I am no magician. I am a demon."
"A demon? Haha.... ha," her laugh seemed to die off towards the end as she glanced up at my horns.
"What... you and that cotton candy... girl both have those horns... what... how??"
"We have both died and fought for our titles."
"You've died...?" And she hesitantly reached out to touch my hand to reassure herself that I indeed have a body.
"How? And can I ask how you died? Oh and can I touch your horns?" More questions. I suppose I'll just answer. Get it over with now.
"When we die we are are given new bodies. The evil so they have something to torture. The angel souled so they have something to enjoy physical rewards with. The ones in Asphodel eventually loose their bodies unless they do enough deeds to get into either realm before they become lost spirits.
"I was reborn in Asphodel and fought for my title as demon. I died by killing myself." As I was talking she had reached up to stroke one of my horns. Seems she's not very patient.
"But how did you get horns- woah wait you killed yourself?? Why?" She must have been so ready to fire off questions that it took her a bit to process what I actually said.
"When you earn the title of demon you get them. They are often a manifestation of your soul or who you are." I paused and was tempted to show her all the terrors I had to live through but decide not to. I like her pure. At least for now. If I turn her soul dark, I'd rather it be through other methods.
"I killed myself because that was the only way to find freedom. But I woke up here and I was trapped again."
"But killing yourself is never the answer-"
"Why are you trying to persuade me not to do something that I have already done?" I cut her off, annoyed she was trying to preach at me.
She was silent for a bit, her fingers still curled around my hand. She slid her fingers up to trace the scar on my wrist that looked almost like a bracelet. She grabbed my other hand to trace the scar there. The necklace of a scar around my neck also was gently caressed.
But then she leaned forward and softly kissed the imperfect circle of a scar in the middle of my chest then wrapped her arms around my waist.... hugging me....
She was hugging me and for some reason I felt like crying. I didn't know that a hug felt just as warm and comforting and safe as water...
I looked down at this angel souled that is giving a demon compassion... wasn't she the one that was freaking out about me keeping her here against her will? She should hate me... but she doesn't.
Her words were mumbled into my chest but I heard her.
"It's ok, I can be here for you now."

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