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Alvah's POV
I don't know where I got the confidence to kiss the scar on her chest but I was lost in a trance and all I wanted to kiss away the pain. Despite being so beautiful, she was broken and abused. Even I could see that. The pieces of her innocence and happiness lay shattered in the depth of her being.
Maybe staying here won't be so bad... I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, still seated on the edge of the bed, my first attempt at fitting some of the shards back together.
"It's ok, I can be here for you now."
And the words were true. I made a small promise to myself that I would indeed be there for this broken demon.
She slowly sunk into my embrace and I felt the corners of my lips tilt up.
She felt so perfect in my arms. And I hope she felt the comfort I was trying to give her. If the way she leaned into me any indication, I'd say she did.
She slowly pulled away from me but the ice in her eyes had melted. She wasn't looking at me like I was... just a pet rock that she had brought home. She was looking at me like a person. A person that she was glad was there.
Or at least, I hoped.
She curled her fingers around my golden collar and gently tugged me too my feet, trying to brush off the effect the moment had on her. But I knew and I had seen.
She cleared her throat, "Um... let's go get some lunch."
"Ok," and I intertwined my fingers with hers, "lead the way."
She actually seemed a little flustered and it was the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed. She quickly pulled me out of the door and I was shocked with the majesty of the house beyond our room. She must be so rich....
I eventually noticed that despite how gorgeous the whole thing was, it was empty and cold. It reminded me of its owner and I touch of sadness filled my heart.
We eventually made it down to what must be the dinning room except just as overly expensive. But that's not really a surprise by now. I jumped and nearly shrieked when Cotton, well I guess Aurelia, popped up right next to me.
"Lord, what do you want for lunch today?" I stared nervously at her eyes, dreading them suddenly turning pink and forcing me to do something weird.
"You know I don't care."
"Well I'll make sure you love it either way!" She was still acting all... cutesy and innocent. It unsettled me.
"Oh hey Alvah-"
"Aurelia. Go get lunch," I was surprised she stood up for me but it was probably just so she'd hurry and go get lunch.
I turned to her, parting my lips to say something, but then I realized our fingers are still intertwined. I snap my mouth closed and blush at the floor, secretly wanting to hold her hand for as long as possible.
"So there is a way to shut you up. I'll keep that in mind for future reference."
I was about to protest but I notice the corner of her mouth lifting up the smallest fraction. Far from a smile, but still something.
"Lunch is ready!" Cotton bursts into the dinning room, way too soon to have been able to make anything for lunch. But in her hands balanced multiple covered dishes.
She set them down in the middle of the table and waited for us to both to take seats opposite each other. With a flourish, she pulled the lid off and on it was.....
A severed head with an apple rammed into his mouth. I screamed, horror flooding my limbs. I looked up to the sound of Cotton laughing... giggling in pure manic delight.
"Aurelia. What is this doing on my table?" A dangerous undertone snaked into her voice. Cotton stopped laughing... but I still noticed the unnatural pink glowing in her eyes. What is wrong with her....
What is wrong with both of them?! The most Cassy reacted was just being annoyed. She didn't bat an eyelash at kidnapping and now she doesn't at the idea of a dead mans head severed on a plate either.
She could kill me. She's an actual demon. No wonder it doesn't bother her, she probably does worse. She probably wouldn't care if she killed me either, probably-
"Alvah-" I don't remember telling her my name. How... oh right. She's a demon. "-calm down. It's an illusion. Another one of Aurelia's games."
Aurelia's face falls, "Aww why are you ruining my fun?? It was just some innocent fuuuuunnnnn." Her bottom lip just out and her eyes are slowly returning to her safer blue color.
The man's severed head slowly fades into fancily cooked meats. But despite how expensive it all looks my appetite is completely gone. Especially eating meat with the image of a dead man laying on the same plate.
I stare at the table for a while, Cotton finally leaving us alone.
"Can I be excused? I'm not hungry anymore."
"And do what? Return to the room until I get back?" She's leaving again? I wonder if she's disappearing to the same place as before.
My curiosity not to be denied I asked, "Where are you going?"
"The human world," her response is matter-a-fact despite being so strange.
"Human world? Then where are we now?" Don't tell me-
"Hell of course." I was speechless. I was apparently in hell. Hell, the fairy tale used to threaten people into blindly following a 'holy' book.
"Well... um can I go with you?"
"I suppose...." I'm shocked she actually agreed. Yay! I can hopefully see Megan. Oh and escape! Though I suppose it'll be hard to slip away when Cassy is there the whole time...

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