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^^Aurelia (another one of my drawings)
Alvah's POV
I sat there on the bed fuming for a while after Cass or whatever miss rude's name is. How could she think she can do this? It's illegal! I don't even know her. Just because she's hot doesn't mean I'll let her do whatever she wants.
I blushed furiously as I remembered just how naked she was earlier.
I looked down at the gold chain and collar. She is really rich.... Probably rich enough to be able to buy off any police that actually did come looking for me.
I sighed and my shoulders drooped. What was the point anyways? It's not like a had anything to escape for anyways. No future, no family and just a single friend. Morgen.
Morgen... wonder what she's up to right now. If she's worried about me...
I look around for my phone but don't find it anywhere. Damn it.... But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Kidnappers always take away their victims' stuff. Especially stuff that prevents them from getting help.
I collapse back into the cloud soft pillows, settling in, knowing it was going to be a while before someone detached the chain.
*Knock knock*
I jumped at the sudden noise and quickly sit up, had Cass come back so soon?
"Um come in?"
And in came a girl with short-boyish hair that was dyed really pretty colors. In fact, her whole outfit and hair reminded me of cotton candy. But then I was shocked when she smiled widely at me... she had fangs. And particularly hidden by her hair was horns the same cotton candy theme as the rest of her. She's probably just really into dressing up I guess?
"Hello there cutie! The name's Aurelia. What's yours?"
"Uh Alvah." This girl seemed unnaturally cutesy and upbeat... odd. But I shrug it off.
"Ohhh cool we both have unique names that start with A's! Destined friends don't ya think? Anyways, I've got some stuff for you. Hope you don't mind a light breakfast," she hands me a bowl of yogurt with... what looks like berries? I've never seen anything like them before.
"Oh and-" I glance back up at her as she continues to talk- "I also have all your old belongings. I'll give them to you when you're done eating." I nod my head, glancing down at the food to take a bite and when I glance up, the girl is gone.
Something is really odd about this place...


The second I swallow the last bit of yogurt, the girl seemingly just appears. A.... Aurora? No.... Aurelia! That's it.
"Here ya go! All yours. You even get your phone back. I advised Cassiel against it but she didn't really care. You can call your friend Morgen on one condition," her once blue eyes turn bright pink and her innocent smile drops... what.. what's happening?! And how did she know her name??
"Convince your friend that you are here completely willingly. You like it here and you are planning on staying here for a while." Her eyes return to normal and she smiles brightly at me, "ok?"
I nod my head and grab my phone, feeling extremely freaked out but relieved to have my cellphone back.
I waited anxiously for Morgen to accept the call while trying to avoid the heavy stare of the girl with blue eyes that somehow turned pink! This place is already driving me insane. I need to get out as soon as possible.
"Alvy!-" giggles erupted from the other line and I made out her whispering loudly- "shhh! Haha no, let me finish the call first!.... Mmmm yeah I'm fairly sure now shh!" Her voice grew louder as she finally addressed me, "At first I felt bad for ditching you but I see you finally went home with someone too~"
"Uh... yeah..." and suddenly those inhuman pink eyes flashed into my mind and I found words almost being pulled out of my mouth.
"I really like it here, she's so hot and rich."
Her voice noticeably sobered up as she responded, "Uh... um who did you even go home with anyways?? And why are you talking like that? That's not like you at all...."
The eyes flashed into my mind again, but less forcefully.
"Oh, sorry, her name's Cassiel. Yeah... she actually bought me a soda and offered me a ride home when I realized you weren't there anymore. But uh... we ended up going to her house instead. I really like it here."
'My' words seem to reassure her because her voice returned to being giggly. "Ohhh so did you do it," I could hear the smirk and her wiggling her eyebrows at me all the way across the phone.
"N-no! We uh we didn't do, do anything!" Ugg I hated that the thought of being with Cass made me so flustered. My self-annoyance was interrupted by giggles.
"Ohhh sure~ So when do you want me to pick you up?"
"Um actually she offered letting me stay here for a while," the eyes... I really was going insane...
Again, her voice sobered a bit, "Stay? For a while?? Wtf girl, what's going on?"
"She just offered to let me stay here. And I want to."
"Ok..." came her hesitant response. "But what about your job and... our apartment and... where even are you?? And how you can just trust a stranger and just start living with them?? She could be a psycho kidnapper for all you know," how close she was to the truth made me want to scream but the eyes were still there heavy in my mind.
"Um I don't remember. Where we are but she isn't a psycho and I didn't tell you this before but I've talked to her quite a bit before... whenever you dragged me out and kinda left me, she was usually there to talk to."
"Oh... don't guilt trip me girl, but ok, I trust you."
"Yeah..." I felt like crying, "um, I gotta go, I'll call you later. Have fun with your boy toy."
I didn't wait for her response. I just pressed the red button feeling like my chances were just crushed. Why couldn't I just tell her that I didn't want to be here and that they won't let me leave?!
I slowly glanced up at the cotton candy demon.
She's.... not human.

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