5 | You're Somebody Else

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FP leaves Jughead at school and makes his way to Fred's house. He's nervous. Fred told him Mary was happy to watch Jellybean, but he felt like such a burden for having to ask.

Jellybean seems much better than the day before so he hopes she won't be too fussy for her.

Upon reaching the Andrews house, he grabs his daughter and carries her over to the door. He keeps her in the car seat but all of her necessities are in the bag slung around his shoulder.

He sets her down and knocks on the door. Fred answers the door with a mug to his mouth; he's drinking his morning coffee. A puppy is at his feet looking up at FP. "Hey, come in, man. We were expecting you." Fred steps aside so he can come in with the baby. Fred helps with the bag. Vegas follows behind. "Mary should be back in less than five. She just went to go drop Archie off."

"Are you riding with me to work?" FP insists on carpooling. It's the least he can do.

"That'd be great." Fred likes the idea. "We'll be on our way right when-"

"FP," Mary walks in. She walks up to the man and hugs him. "Where's the baby girl?"

"Well now," Fred chuckles.

"She should be asleep for at least the next hour." FP looks down at Jellybean. "If she's hungry, the formula is in the bag. She just took her medicine so her next dose should be in, six hours? I don't remember, it's on the label."

"We will be fine," Mary smiles. "I have a child you know. Now go on. Shoo, shoo, out you go."

"You heard the lady." Fred grabs his shoulders and pushes him towards the front door. He kisses Mary goodbye before shoving FP outside.

"Fred, your keys!"

"I'm carpooling with FP today!"


Mary's first hour with Jellybean went well. Vegas kept them good company. He slept right by her feet.

The baby's been asleep, so she's able to go through a couple of her clients' files. She sets it down when Jellybean begins to stir in her sleep. Mary knows she's about to wake up.

"Hi, sweetie. I'm your aunt Mary. Your daddy is with your uncle Freddie right now." There's a knock on the door. "Let's go see who that is." Mary picks her up and cradles her in her arms. She opens the door to see the mailman standing on the porch.

"Good morning, Mrs. Andrews."

"Good morning, John."

"I've got a couple letters for you." He hands them over to her.

"Thank you," Mary accepts them and tucks them under her arm. "Have a good rest of your day."

"Thanks, you too. Take care." The mailman waves and walks to his next house.

Mary stands on the porch a little longer to enjoy the warm sunshine hitting the house. She sees her neighbor's car parking on the street. She wonders why Alice is here at this time of the day. "Hey, Alice."

"Hi Mary-" Alice looks up and sees that she isn't alone. "-and baby?" She recognizes the little girl in her arms. It's FP's little girl. "Why is there a baby?"

"Ah, I'm babysitting the little cutie."


"Yeah, she's an adorable one. Too bad she has a fever." Mary checks Jellybean's forehead to see if she is feeling warm. "So what brings you home early?"

"I forgot my laptop this morning. I came for it now that I actually need it."

"Well, I'll let you to it. I've got to take this little one back inside. Bye, Alice."

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