15 | Gotta Serve Somebody

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Charles chucks a football around in the backyard. He aims at a couple of soda cans for target practice, but he gets frustrated the more he misses the can. He can't seem to focus.

The football ultimately goes over the fence and into Fred's yard.

"Have you ever thought about baseball with that arm of yours?" Charles turns around to see Fred's head peering over the fence. He tosses it back to him.

"Sorry, Mr. A," Charles catches the ball. "I just haven't been on my A-game lately."

"Do you want to talk?"

"Not really."

Fred's head lowers behind the fence, but it pops right back up. This time he has Vegas in his hands.

"What about to him?" Charles smiles. Fred puts the dog back down. "Come on over and we can talk."

Charles drags himself over to his house.

Fred steps out onto his porch. "What's on your mind, kiddo?"

"Do I have to talk?"

"You're your parents' son, alright." Fred chuckles. "Well, you can start by just listening I suppose. I'm not going to force you to talk." Fred sits down on his steps and pats the spot next to him. Charles lowers down and sits. "I don't know what's wrong, but I'll start you off with a story. It's about your father before you were born." Fred sees a little smile tugging on his face. "He came to talk to me even though it took me a while to actually get him to talk." He chuckles. "He was apprehensive about you being on your way. Can you believe he was scared of something so tiny? He was worried he wouldn't be a great father, but I knew he had the potential. He just needed to be told. The look on his face when he got to hold you in the hospital for the first time made him forget how scared he was. He showed you off to everyone he could. He was so proud of you already. He made a promise to himself that day. You would never be hurt."

"I talked to him on the phone earlier."

"About? If you don't mind me asking."

"I've heard the Ghoulies are settling into town. How bad is this, really?" Charles asks, hoping he would be honest. "He wouldn't tell me."

"You've seen Ghoulies around?" The look on Fred's face assured Charles that it was bad.

"So I should be worried?"

"Why are they back? Do you happen to know?"

"They're the ones supplying Jingle Jangle," Charles answers truthfully. He puts his hands up. "I cross my heart I've never had any. I just know."

"I've heard what happened," Fred nods. "Okay. I think it's best you stay out of it until it get sorted."

"Is my dad in danger? They were talking about him specifically."

"Your dad is going to be okay. All he's going to care about is that you are safe."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"In general. He wouldn't want you or your siblings in any kind of danger. He was already given a scare."

"Because of Hal," Charles frowns.

"Yeah..." Fred nods.

"Should I even tell my mom?"

Fred shakes his head. "It's better you stay out of it. The adults will handle it. You stick to being a kid as long as you can."


"As you may have heard, there have been rumors about the Ghoulies being back in town," Hog Eye looks around the bar from the platform. He started the meeting on FP's behalf until he arrives; FP is coming directly from Toledo. "And as we already know, Jingle Jangle has been spreading around town and it can't be no surprise that these Ghoulies are popping up too."

The Serpents murmur amongst each other. Penny Peabody is one of the many people in the crowd. She takes another swig of her drink as she blends in with the rest of the Serpents drinking by the bar.

Mustang along with a couple of other rowdy men created a ruckus to the mention of the Ghoulies, shouting obscenities and rallying each other up to pick fights with them the second they see them.

"Sit your asses down!" FP bursts through the door. The bar then goes silent for the king. "Going head to head with the Ghoulies isn't going to solve anything. I need to think of a plan first. It won't serve us any good if war breaks out."

"Says the one who beat the crap out of Hal Cooper," Mustang scoffs.

FP grabs him by the collar and looks him straight in the eyes. "That is different and none of your business." He lets him go with a shove and heads over to where Hog Eye is standing. He makes sure all the Serpents are listening. "Do not do anything stupid to get us into trouble. We'll make sure the Ghoulies know they aren't welcomed around here, but we can't do that if you don't think properly. I want Serpents keeping an eye on Ghoulies left and right. I will deal with the drug problem."

Penny gets up and subtly exits. No one batted an eye when seeing her. She's a Serpent after all.


Chic is at the dining table doing homework. He gets an eerie feeling once he hears his aunt approaching the apartment. He stiffens when he hears the door slam shut after she enters. He listens to her footsteps coming his way.

"What did you tell that kid about the Ghoulies?"

"No-nothing." Chic shakes. "I've only been selling Jingle Jangle to boys on my team."

"The damn Serpents know about the Ghoulies," Penny eyes the boy. "You were only supposed to update me on the Serpents, not tell them about the Ghoulies. How else would they know we're here?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" She yells at him. "You could have cost us this whole business! Do you want me to send you back to where your father left you?"

"No, ma'am." Chic fearfully obeys.

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