2 | Here I Go Again

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Charles lays on the couch and channel surfs through the television. He can hear the baby crying in the bedroom. That meant his sister's awake. His brother, on the other hand, is in the kitchen eating breakfast. Charles fixed him up a bowl of cereal, so his dad could sleep in a few more minutes.

Jughead jumps off his chair and walks over to Charles. Charles turns to look at him. "Did you put your plate in the sink?" He questions the younger boy. Jughead shakes his head. Charles turns him around and points back at the table. "Go put it in the sink."

"Put Scooby Doo," Jughead watches him flip through channels.

"No, I'm watching tv." Charles denies his request. "Go put your plate in the sink." He shoos him away.

Jughead doesn't listen. He jumps on top of his brother and tries to grab the remote from him.

"Let go, dimwit. I had it first." Charles pushes him off of him.

Jughead lands on the floor and pushes himself back up. He glares at his older brother. "I want to watch Scooby Doo!" He kicks his leg harshly. Charles grabs him and pins him down.

FP walks out of the bedroom bleary eyed. He heard the ruckus and came to put an end to it. "Knock it off!"

Charles lets go off Jughead and stands up.

"Are you packed? I'm taking you to your mom's in ten minutes." FP questions the teenager. The baby begins crying again in FP's arms again. "Here hold her. I'm making her a bottle."

Jughead snatches the remote away and changes the channel to Scooby Doo. He sticks his tongue out at Charles and goes to go sit in front of the tv. Charles rolls his eyes at him. He turns his attention back to his sister. He rocks his sister, hoping it will calm her down.

FP comes back with the bottle and takes his daughter back for a feeding. "Alright grab your bag and take it to the car. I'll be right out. Make sure Jug puts his shoes and a jacket on. I'll take care of your sister."

"Ditto," Charles shuts the tv off.

Jughead turns to glare at him. "Hey, I was watching that!"

"Dad says put your shoes and jacket on. We're leaving."


"Listen to your brother!" FP yells back from the room. He presses a kiss to her cheek. "Don't you dare grow up on me like your brothers, understood?"

Jellybean smiles and he pecks another kiss to her cheek.

He puts her in the car seat and throws a blanket over her before carrying her out the trailer to meet the boys in the car.


"Behave for your mother and Hal, alright?" FP glances over at Charles in the passengers seat.

"I always do," Charles stares out the window the entirety of the drive. "Question is will you survive two weeks without me?" He chuckles but is also very serious about it. "You've been hanging in there for the past two weeks."

"Maybe don't bring it up while you're with your mom," FP doesn't want her and her husband to know just yet.

He parks in front of her house.

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