20 | Lonesome Town

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FP was in no state to drive; Tom had given him a ride to Fred's house. Naturally, he would have wanted to go to Alice--in need of her comfort, but he couldn't face her like this. Not yet at least.

So when FP wound up at Fred and Mary's door with what looked like a possible fractured nose, the couple had questions. FP started from the beginning.

"She took the kids," FP tells them, tears in his eyes. He winces as Mary helps him clean up his face. "And I can't even blame her. I would never forgive myself if anything had happened to them in that fire."

"FP, I don't think you should be putting yourself anywhere near the Ghoulies. You're lucky you didn't get seriously hurt. They're not afraid to fight dirty."

"What was I supposed to do? I'm not letting them walk all over me. They would have done worse if I didn't fight back."

"Lay low and stay away from the southside."

FP scoffs. "I can't exactly go home."

"You're staying here," Mary chimes in. "End of discussion."


Chic keeps Charles company in the living room. He picks up on the dazed look on his face. "You okay?"

"I don't think my mom is okay."

"What makes you say that?"

"I think something bad is going to happen to my dad to be honest," Charles remains strong. He's worried just like his mother. "I just don't know how bad."

"Don't think like that. I'm sure he'll be okay."

"I heard my mom calling the sheriff to check on him. I don't think she would have done that if it wasn't serious."

Chic takes his hand and gives it a squeeze. "Don't overthink it. She just wanted to take extra precautions. That's okay."

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

There's a knock on the door. It's both Fred and FP. FP felt it was only right to update Alice on his well-being after she went through the trouble to check up on him. He just hates that she's going to have to see him this way, especially after the scare he gave her earlier. Fred tagged along as moral support. It was better she received his side of the story before hearing it from someone else; FP asked Tom not to tell her what happened until he did.

Charles opens the door. He gasps. "Dad?"

"I'm fine," He assures his son. "Where's your mom?"

"She's upstairs."

FP nods and looks at Fred.

"I'll give you two privacy first." Fred opts to wait until he's needed.

FP walks up the stairs to Alice's room.

"What happened?" Charles instantly questions Fred. "Was it the Ghoulies? He looks worse."

Fred sighs. He doesn't want to say much so he nods.

"You said not to worry about the Ghoulies. Now look at him. You can be honest with me. I'm not a little kid anymore. I deserve the truth."

He's right. The boy already knows so much and he's afraid his curiosity will get the best of him if he doesn't answer some of his questions.

"Did your parents ever tell you about the night they broke up?" Fred thinks back to that day. "If that's anything like whatever happened today, then I don't know what to tell you."

"What happened that night?"

"I was at the diner with my ex girlfriend. Your mom was working. We weren't expecting your father there but he showed up. Hermione and I went out to see what was up with him. And there you were in his arms. We asked him what happened; he was just about to tell us what happened but your mom came out."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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